❤ First Kiss?

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Video: FairyLouie
I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' characters!

(I love this video lol XD)

✸Yugi Muto:
You are being friend with Yugi for one year. You accepted how he looks, and how he tiny is. You accepted everything about him. Looking that no one talks to him, he enjoy mostly to be next to you.
You both are always play card games, and enjoying moments together... But one day you both are on the beach. You are laughing, smiling, talking and acting normal. While Yugi is silent. Every word he will just nod, or give his face red color. You actually think he didn't enjoy being with you, so, you sighed and made one serious face. ''Yugi, what? What's wrong with you? You are acting strange!'' You said looking at him. No, you don't have your smile, or your shiny eyes who Yugi loves the most. You are now really angry. ''(Y/N), I-I...'' Yugi tries to said the truth, but you interrupted him. ''What? You hate me?'' Yugi just hugged you tightly. ''I'll never hate you, (Y/N)! I live only for you,'' he said silently. You widen your eyes, knowing that you mess everything. ''I-I, love you! You know that...'' You smile, and hugged him back... And then, Yugi felt a little better. ''I love you too!'' You said and kiss him gently.

✸Yami Yugi:
''My beautiful ma'am!'' Yami said, looking down at your hands who he just grabbed gently. ''I can't imagine my whole life without you,'' He said, and looked into your eyes. ''I love everything about you, just thinking about you makes me more impatient!'' You blush, while he is stroking gently your hair, and starts to talk... ''I just want to kiss your face, and your whole body, I just want you... I'm impatient... I'll protect you, I'll love you, I'll take care about you, everything that you want, ma'am.'' You sighed, making Yami more serious and nervous, like your answer will be 'no'. ''Y-Yami, I-I, love you...'' He kissed you already. You felt wonderful.

✸Seto Kaiba:
You are now in the office of your father. You are currently alone. You are learning something for school, and you can't learn it correct. You just frowned, looking down at the books full of things that you hated the most! You stood up, and looked at the window. You saw whole city... You thought a little... You are spending everyday with Seto Kaiba. You know everything about him. He is lucky. He don't need school now. He is mature, and this building is his. He don't have to care about school, lessons, projects... He have his own car, job and people who works for him. You sighed, realizing how rich and smart he was. ''Miss (L/N), you can't learn grammar stuffs?'' Seto asked silently, you looked at the tall guy who is standing in the a little dark office. Seto looked a little better at your notebook. ''Hey, you draw hearts? And little humans who are kissing?'' You blush, and try to take notebook away from Seto Kaiba. ''S-Seto, J-Just give it back!'' Seto smirked, looking down at you. ''My beautiful miss (L/N)... If you want this, you have to...'' He thinks a little. You just frowned. ''Hmm, to kiss me maybe?''
You blush and widen your eyes. ''Oh, If you don't want, I'll do it~'' He spoke in sweet tone, and gently kissed your lips. You felt a little better...

✸Ryo Bakura:
Gentleman named Ryo Bakura invited you to his house. He is so nice with you, and your mom know him also. She thinks that he is the most kindly person you ever had to met. You and Ryo are friends for so long, you know everything about each other. ''Mom, I'm going to visit Ryo! Bye!'' You said, as your mom nodded and smiled warmly at you. You left the house, thinking what cool thing will Ryo do today. He have very cool imagination, and you enjoying his funny ideas every moment. When you finally arrive, you knock on his door. And he opened the door, sawing girl he loves the most! ''(Y/N)! Happy kissing day!'' You are now standing in front of him, like a fool. ''Wait, what?'' You raised an eyebrow, as he started kissing you checks and forehead. You are blushing. ''R-Ryo, what's wrong with you!?'' You laughed, and feel his lips on yours...

✸Joey Wheeler:
You are singing now in your room. You are currently alone, and you can do everything that you want. So, you decided to sing! You love songs about love, with guitar, so, you use your beautiful (F/C) guitar with amazing sound, and you start to sing. Minutes are passed, you didn't notice Joey Wheeler who is standing on the door of your huge room. You are looking down, at your guitar, and left your voice come outside. ''Can I have one kiss from your lips~?'' You are singing, but you felt two strong hands wrapped around your waist. Joey kissed your check gently, making you blush. ''J-Joey! W-What are you--'' He kissed your lips, when he pulled back, he smiles at you. ''Well my dear, you can always have a kiss from me~ Also, this song is beautiful~'' You smiled.

✸Jaden Yuki:
You invited only girls on your party. All of your friends (girls) is being here, and you all make up, dressing and laughing, talking about how stupid boys can be. Every girl already had first time, first kiss... You don't know how it is when someone kiss you, or do, sex, with you. That's so ugly for you and your head, full of just one guy, Jaden Yuki. You are dressing with them, and change clothes also! Every dress is perfect on you, so you don't have problems with it. After party had finished, you waved to all your friends. Some girls are kissing you, some girls are hugging you talking about cool party you made... You are still in dress, so you decide to take some selfies. For some minutes, you can see yourself standing on the balcony, with beautiful dress, make up, and with also beautiful smile. You started to take selfies, then, you realized someone is on the tree. You yelped. ''J-Jaden!?'' ''Hey my beautiful queen, this is for you~'' He smiled warmly, giving you flowers. You blush, and smiled at him. ''T-Thanks, b-but-'' He kissed you. When he pulled back, he smile sweetly. ''I love you (Y/N)! And~ You look awesome in elegant dresses!'' ''Heh, thanks... And, I love you too!''

✸Yusei Fudo:
You just came back from the wedding of your aunt. Your house is really far away. It's already night, and you are the only on the street who wears something gorgeous and sexy at the same time. It's one black, short dress. Necklace, Earrings, bracelets and elegant high and black stilettos, everything on the right place! Your makeup and beautiful hairstyle also gives you extra shine! You looked beautiful, and every man notices you, or to be honest, every man notices your sexy legs... (XD)
But, badly, the rain started. You looked up, feeling cold and wet sky... But at that second, you noticed one duel runner next to you. Guy took off his red helmet. ''Need transport to your home, (Y/N)?'' You heard Fudo Yusei. You smiled and approach to him. You noticed his attractive blue eyes are glancing at something down, well, your sexy legs. ''Did I say that you look awesome tonight?'' He smirked and looked up at you. You blush. ''J-Just ignore my outfit and take me home already, Fudo!!'' You yelped and blush in the same time. When you sit, he started asking you everything. ''Where have you been? On a date~?'' He asked and raised an eyebrow. You sighed nervously. ''I was been at weeding of my aunt...'' You looked at him. ''Well then, I don't have to worry.'' He said. When you arrived home, rain is getting over. Yusei stood and hug you from the back. ''I love you my dear (Y/N).'' he said and kiss you gently on lips. ''This is a kiss for goodnight~'' He said and smile. ''W-Wish you G-Goodnight~ and, thanks...'' You blush.

✸Jack Atlas:
Jack is now at your home, sitting on a chair, and looking you at the kitchen. ''Do you want some sugar in coffee, Jack?'' You asked and looked at him. Jack just smiled. ''No, thank you, (Y/N).'' Jack and you were friends for few weeks, you already know everything about each other. You smiled, taking coffee for Jack on the table. He laughed, looking at you. ''(Y/N), you are not at the cafe! You don't need pink-cute apron!'' You are laughing with him. When silent covered the house, he looked better at you. ''Hmm, I think, actually, that apron looks great on you~'' Jack said, looking at your body. ''J-Jack, stop with it!'' You laughed nervously, while Jack is approaching to you. You feel his strong hand on your check, he kissed you gently on your lips...

✸Crow Hogan:
''Your white outfit didn't look like a REAL dress for weeding!'' One little girl shouted at you, looking at your outfit. ''B-But, we don't have real dress for wedding! And don't forget, this is just for fun!'' Another girl laughed. You and Hogan Crow accepted to play a game named ''Weeding''. But, you both didn't expect that you two will be a couple. You are now in your white sweater, and you have light grey pants down. Also, you decided to be in the white sneakers. You have to wear everything white, while Crow needs to wear everything black. When you two approach each other, you first looked at the kids like 'We have to kiss in front of you guys?'. Some boys laughed and some felt ghastly, while some girls are laughing or hiding their eyes. Kids are having fun more that you and Crow did. But, you actually know Crow will kiss you, because he already said that he loves you. ''C'mon!! Kiss!!'' ''-Yeah! Now kiss!'' Kids yelled. You guys sigh and kiss each other quickly. Kids are jumping and screaming around you two...

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