❤ Valentine's Day!

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- Video by: LittleKuriboh 
- Art Gif: Belongs to the artist, but I don't which, I'm sorry ;__;' 
- And like always, I Don't own any ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' character! 

Thanks for 3K reads!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! YAAYY!!!! ❤ 

  ❤  Anyways, who loves Undertale here? Should I make one Undertale Scenarios? ❤  

❤  Yugi Muto
Foggy and cold street make you sigh with  uncomfortably. All people were in their own houses, looking at their presents on Valentine's day. You were just sitting on your warm bed, trying to read some great and interesting book. Yugi said that he can't visit you on Valentine's day. That actually shocked you, you thought he'll be there and giving you couple of lovely words.. But, nothing of that imagines, he is not here. 
But suddenly, knock can be heard. You raised an eyebrow, then slowly started approaching to the doors. When you opened the door, you could feel cold air through your face. But, you saw one familiar boy. That was Yugi. ''Yugi!'' You said in a little confusing voice, he just smiled. ''Hey, happy Valentine's day, (Y/N)!'' He said, giving you one present, packed in your favorite color... ''Hope you like it~''  You hugged your little boyfriend very strong, you loved him so much now.. 

❤ Yami Yugi
Big and warm smile approach to your lips and cheeks. ''So, Yami~ Can we go out? I mean, many restaurants are now decorated, also, they get some new candies and food!'' You blushed. ''We should go there!'' Yami just laughed at your words, still sitting next to you on your bed. You didn't notice how much he wants you, no matter where. He's just looking at your face, while you are looking at the papers full of new food and upgrades of one restaurant. ''(Y/N), love~ Can we just sit here and talk? 
I want just to be next to you...'' He leaned his head on your shoulder and grabbed your hand gently. ''I want to cuddle with you!'' He is now in mood where he is acting like a child.. 
''No, I want to eat!'' You are laughing, still wanting to be with Yami in some reputable place. ''Nu~'' He said and hugged you, throwing you to the bed. ''Agh-'' ''Let's just cuddle (Y/N)!'' He said and kissed your forehead, lying next to you. 

❤ Seto Kaiba❤  
''Hello Seto!'' You said, approaching to his car. You two are currently in his own car, not limousine. But, his car is still pretty and fast, as always. ''So, what are we going to do first, (Y/N) darling~?'' 
Seto smiled while looking at the other cars front of him. You thought for a second. ''Hm, can we go on some hot tea? Or hot chocolate? That would be awesome!'' You blushed, feeling a little thirsty. 
''Well then, okay! Nothing more?'' He asked, trying to act like a gentleman. ''We can go on some films, or even a show.. Everything is today active, we can go anywhere!'' 
You blushed. ''After a hot tea/chocolate, I want to be just with you, in my house, that's all.'' Seto smiled at your words. ''Are you sure?'' You nodded. ''Yes!'' 

❤  Ryo Bakura ❤  
You yawn after a wonderful nap. Well, you don't have much time to sleep, or hanging out because of the school/job. By the way, you have huge problems with enemies, plus lots of unsolved secrets in your mission. You become very tired of it, traps, enemies, new cards, new powers... But lucky you, you have your boyfriend next to you. He is always helping you in bad times, and always protect you when you need help... 
You saw your calendar on the wall, and noticed that today is Valentine's Day. ''(Y/N)! Look, I solve this problem!'' Ryo yelled, opening your room. He then noticed your figure, staring at the calendar. ''Oh, um, (Y/N)?'' You turned to him, hoping that he have in his hands some gift for you. But, that's just one card deck. ''Oh, hey Ryo~'' You sighed sadly. ''Hey, I think a little about that stranger who attacked us. You know, he could be the one that we met before few years!'' Ryo explained to you, then he realizes that he forgot something. ''Hey! Cheer up! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! We could go somewhere!''
''Ryo... That's today.''  ''...'' 

Joey Wheeler ❤  
''Hey! We can make our own cake!'' You smiled, glancing at Joey who is still in his thoughts. ''Hm, but we can boy a cake! That's easier~'' Joey giggled, you just frowned at your silly and uninterested boyfriend. ''Oh, c'mon! This is going to be funny! We will also take some photos, and record some videos~ Why not?'' Joey frowned. ''Whatever!'' He approach to you and kissed you right on your lips. ''This is going to be awesome Valentine's day (Y/N)!'' You smiled and hugged him. 

 ❤  Jaden Yuki  ❤  
''Madam, for you!'' You heard your silly boyfriend from behind. He is holding big bouquet of beautiful red roses. You smiled widely, looking at your beautiful presents. ''Thank you!'' You giggled, while Jaden is holding something else. ''Well, after this, we are going on some dinner, but before it,'' 
He open his little elegant box, showing you one pretty magnificent ring with one red heart on it.
''It's just another present,'' he kneel down, waiting for you to answer. ''Well?'' He smiled.
''Um... Yes!'' You blushed.

❤  Yusei Fudo❤  
One dinner, and huge presents. One of them are tones of chocolates, one (F/C) duel runner that he made and design, and also, he gave you new cards. You were surprised how much he actually loves you... You smiled, and enjoy time spending with him. 

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