❤ When He Gets Drunk!

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✸Yugi Muto:
You didn't expect that Yugi can get drunk... You are looking at his red, nervous face. ''Gosh, I have a headache~!'' He whispered. ''Better lay down Yugi...'' ''Who are you?'' He asked in cute tone. You laughed. ''I'm (Y/N)!'' ''I'll do everything, just be my love~''

✸Yami Yugi:
He is looking at you like 'wtf who are u'. ''Who are you young lady~?'' He asked and laughed a little.
You smiled. ''I'm your girlfriend!'' ''Really?'' ''Yes!'' He raised an eyebrow. ''Really? Gosh, how happy I am~!''

✸Seto Kaiba:
He never get drunk...

✸Ryo Bakura:
He is laughing and singing all night next to you. He is actually kinda funny when he is drunk...
''So, you said that you are mine~?'' You nodded quickly. ''Yes Ryo.'' He smiled, don't knowing why. ''Can I hug you?'' You laughed. ''Hah, sure!''

✸Joey Wheeler:
You know actually what happened to Joey, he got drunk, again. ''I said stop with alcohol!'' You yell looking at him, he is laughing at you. ''You are pretty!'' He said. You sighed, and pulled him to your bed to get some rest, or maybe to be more normal.

✸Jaden Yuki:
He is silent, he is just looking at you. ''Are you okay?'' He nods, don't knowing actually why. ''Can I sing something for ya~?'' You know what hew'll sing to you, and you don't like it. You just said 'no'.
''Please--'' ''No! Please, don't!'' ''...''

✸(Pervert XD) Yusei Fudo:
''You are sexy~'' Yusei smiled. You laughed nervously. ''Is your boyfriend sexy?'' You start to laugh. ''Hah! No~? He is, short, tiny and stupid~'' You little play with him. ''Oh, gosh! Be my girlfriend~ I'm handsome! I had sexy voice also!'' You are laughing all night...

✸Jack Atlas:
He just drinks coffee and tea, so... XD

✸Crow Hogan:
''Can you be my princess~?'' He asked you. ''Of course~ '' You laughed. ''I love your face~ It's pretty and cute, like a potato~'' ''...''

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