❤ Cheating?

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YouTube Video: AnimeBabeXX
I don't own ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' characters! 
Story will start here! Please, read this first! 
And yes, sorry for my bad English! Please!  >___<'' 

✸You are going to your old friends house, his name is Sam. While you are walking trough the streets, you are remembering your moments with him. He is one really cute and nice boy, but he'll never be the same like ____ ____. Well, when you finally arrive, you noticed how huge his house is. He seemed like a really rich guy. You sigh nervously, and slowly knocked on the door. ''Oh, (Y/N)?!'' You heard his childish and funny voice that made you giggle a little. When he opened the door, you saw one really, hot and tall guy. His green eyes looked at yours, then he smiled. ''Hey, come in silly girl! I have a lot to tell you!'' When you walked into his house, you saw really warm and pretty room. You took a glance at every fancy detail, and you can't believe how much is he changed. He was really little and tiny kid next to you, but now, he is hot and very, very tall. 
You sit next to him, you both shared your stories and laughing every moment. You enjoy every second with him, but, It's really time to go. ''Oh, Sam, I need to go now!'' You look at your watch. ''For sure, I have to be home now.'' ''No, you don't have! I protest!'' His green eyes widen, you sigh slowly. ''Listen,'' you stood up, and look at him down. ''I have to go home, but, we can see each other tomorrow?'' You smiled warmly. ''I want to show you my boyfriend also!'' He is now in big silence, wondering, who is that lucky guy? ''W-Wait,'' he laughed nervously. ''Y-You have a boyfriend?'' You nodded, don't noticing his reaction. ''He is really fine person! You'll be great with him!'' You smiled again. He then hold your hand, and started kissing your forehead, cheek and nose. He also hug you tight, leaving his strong perfume on your skin and clothes. You didn't believe what happened. ''What are you doing, Sam?!'' You pushed him, and slap him right in the face. His cheek is now red, he is standing in front of you in silence. You made really mad face, and opened the door slamming them really loudly. You are walking home really fast, crying every single tear in your eye. You can't believe...
You finally opened the door of your room, trying to understand what's happening. You hope that your room is empty, and you can be alone finally. But, your hoping interrupted your Boyfriend, who is sitting on your bed with lap-top in his hands. He quickly looked at you, noticing your sad and nervous-red face. He stood up and hug you tight. ''(Y/N) What's wrong?!'' ____ ____ asked you, then hold your shoulders tightly and looked at your face again. ''N-Nothing!'' You can't spoke anything, any single word. You are embarrassed now, you can't tell anything to ____. He made one curious face, and approach his nose to your neck, yes, he smelled someone's perfume. ''Where have you been?'' 
He leave your neck and shoulders, and crossed his arms. You are now in big trouble. 

Yugi Muto:
''W-Where have you been?'' His voice is now shocked, but still angry. You sighed, and looked down at your little boyfriend. You sighed. ''I really don't know... Now, I'm shocked too...'' Yugi made a little nervous face. ''If someone wanted to hurt you, better stay away from him! Or I'll hurt him badly!''
Yugi looked at you again. ''I'll hurt him, I promise.'' 

Yami Yugi:
''Wait, You have been to another guy's house? Aren't you, (Y/N)?'' Yami said and grab your shoulder. ''I can smell perfume. And It's not female perfume, (Y/N).'' He looked at you with anger, and leave your shoulder. You shiver, and start to cry. ''O-One guy wanted to hurt me, Yami!'' You start to lie. ''Why?'' He crossed arms. You again just sigh, you can't tell now anything, you can't remember any lie. You look at Yami, he is still looking at you curiously. ''Listen,'' He interrupt you, and then approach to the door of your room. ''I love you really, (Y/N). But, I didn't expect lies from your mouth.'' You looked back at him, he is just standing, with his back turned. '' I want to give you everything, one of those things are my whole love, concern and many more things...'' He sighed. ''But, I think, you didn't notice that.'' He leave your room. ''Y-Yami!'' You shriek. 

Seto Kaiba:
(Imagine that you are in Seto's Office room)
''Where have you been?'' You tremble, looking at his blue and angry eyes.  ''S-Seto, I-I...'' ''You what?!'' He yelled at you, and make you more scared. You never noticed his anger before. It's so scary. You start to talk, but one man interrupt you two. He is working for Seto, his, now, angry boos. ''Mr. Kaiba, we need some documents--'' Seto looked at you, and yell right in your face. ''Leave my office now! You terrible liar!'' You are trembling more, and just leave his office, in big silent. Then, you heard his words. ''Don't talk to me, never.'' You cried.

 ✸ Ryou Bakura:
''I can hit this. You have been with another man?'' Ryou looked at you, still waiting for your answer. ''No Ryou! I'm actually, have been with Tea! I-I,'' You started to lie a little. ''She had one Male perfume, and, she, uh-'' He smirked at your stupidity. ''Well, you really think I am a fool? I can see that you have been with another man.'' You tremble a little. Still listening his reaction. ''I can see that he is touching and kissing you, you little rat.'' He spoke again. You start to cry. ''N-No Ryou! You don't know the truth! P-Please, believe that I--'' He just leave your room without any words. ''R-Ryou! P-Please!'' You are crying. 

Joey Wheeler:
''I knew that. (Y/N), you are cheating on me.'' You start to cry, trying to tell him the truth. ''But why? I'm always have been with you.'' He is staring at your scared face, who you are covering with hands. ''I loved you the most. And you still didn't notice that?'' He asked you. You didn't response. You thought that Joey will hug you, or something, but, all you heard is... ''I don't want to hug you.'' He spoke, without emotion, and leave your room. Leaving big pain right in your heart. ''J-Joey!'' You shriek. 

Jaden Yuki:
You looked at your room. Your room is covered with presents and chocolates that he bought to you. He really wants to make you happy, and then, you felt like a fool. You also see many games, films and other things that will make you happy for sure. You looked up at Jaden who is looking already at you curiously. ''Jaden,'' You spoke. ''Don't talk to me, I already know what you are going to say!'' You start to yell, with face full of tears. ''J-Jaden! I didn't cheating on you! You know that I love you so much!'' 
Jaden just smirks. ''Don't talk to me. Anymore.'' He leaves your room. After some minutes of crying, you see many present that he bought to you. And now, everything is, destroyed... Everything...

Yusei Fudo:
''I see,'' Yusei smirked at you. He didn't want to act scared, or nervous anymore. But you can notice his anger, and his heart who is going to explode anytime. ''You are cheating.'' Yusei said, then again, smell your neck to be sure that someone is kissing you. ''He is kissing your neck, or?'' You can't said anything, you just cry like a fool. He took a glance at your already wet face full of tears. ''I hope that you are enjoying kissing with him.'' He looked at your neck, again. ''Yusei! He is not kissing me! I have been in trouble!'' ''Look, don't lie.'' 
He sigh. ''I have some job. I thought that I can spent with you all night, but I think my girlfriend didn't deserve that, Isn't that right?'' 

Jack Atlas:
''That little rat! Who kissed you, (Y/N)!?'' He explode at that moment. ''And also, you little liar! Go away!'' Jack yelled right at your scared face. He also added another words that hurt you. ''Don't talk to me!'' Your body is now shaking in front of his muscular. You are tremble also, and you don't like when Jack is angry. ''Jack... Please, listen--'' ''Don't talk to me! I said already!'' He leave your room. 

Crow Hogan:
He looked at you. ''(Y/N), why?'' You are crying. ''Listen Crow, I have been at--'' ''You have been with your new boyfriend?'' He looked again at your neck, remembering the smell of strong perfume for mans. ''I can tell that your new boyfriend is better than me. I think you like his perfume, didn't you?'' 
He smiled a little, and you notice his broken heart now. You know Crow really good, and you can tell that he is now sad. But, he leave your room without any word. ''Crow...?'' You looked at him confused. He wanted to leave you? Is that, real Crow Hogan...? ''Crow!'' You yelled, but It's too late. 

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