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                   "Casey, these cinnamon rolls are fantastic!" Luke moaned into the pastry, clearly enjoying my Mom's cooking skills.

She laughed. "Well, thank you Luke. It means a lot," She paused, slipping the oven mitts off her hands, setting them on the counter. "Considering the girls never appreciate my meals."

My mouth fell agape. "Mom! I love your cooking!" I shoved the cinnamon roll in my mouth, grinning. "See?" Everyone laughed at me before I finally got the urge to swallow my food. I took a drink of my milk, standing up and taking mine and Luke's plates into the trash can. He thanked me before following me into the living room.

He grabbed my waist, pulling me close and kissing me gently. I smiled into the kiss before whispering, "Do you want to watch a movie?" So my Mom wouldn't hear. He nodded sitting on the couch. I picked Racing Stripes, because come on. That shit is funny.

We sat on the couch, cuddled up under a blanket. Luke loved the movie so far, and it was adorable the way he would giggle when a funny part in the film would appear. "Hey Luke?" I asked. He hummed in response, keeping his eyes on the TV in front of us. "You leave in two days right?"

                        He suddenly looked down at me, in the eyes. "We don't have to think of that, okay Milly?" He pecked my lips. "As much as I want to stay here with you, I have to go and help the boys." He frowned.

                        I nodded, clearly understanding what he meant. I knew he would have to leave soon, and all I had in mind was, "he will probably text me like twice a week, and this little, fling we have won't mean a god damn thing to him once he's back in Australia. That's exactly what this is. A fling."

                        I sighed, trying to pay attention to he film playing before us, but all I could think of was the negative things in my life.


okay, wow that was deep lol.

hope you guys enjoyed this short chap, i'll try and make the next one a lot longer if i don't forget. remember to keep voting !




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