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                      He decides to text me now? Really right now? I groaned about to reply, but everyone in the class looked at me from my tiny outburst. I didn't want to talk, as in like expose it to the school public that I am now speaking, so I just cleared my throat and acted like I was paying attention for the next two minutes then I turned back to my phone. Like what the hell was I suppose to say? 'Hey Luke how's life? My life is down the radar. Down the drain. Down your fucking toilet.'

       IN DMS

@ lukehemmings: Hi Milly

8:47 am

@ luke_is_my_penguln: What do you want

8:52 am

@ lukehemmings: We need to talk

8:52 am

@ luke_is_my_penguln: So you decide to 'talk' to me over a message. Right

8:54 am

@ lukehemmings: Well there's so much we need to say

8:55 am

@ luke_is_my_penguln: No, there's 'so much' YOU need to say, though idk why. You left me, let's leave it at that. There's nothing I need to say, nor do to get you back because YOU left ME in the airport falling to pieces in front of random strangers that ask questions. So thank you it was nice to 'talk'

8:58 am


um yeah i wanted to update before i left for the city hope you enjoyed !!

luv u all


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