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"Mom, I told you we will be fine!" I groaned into the phone. Me and Luke had just arrived at the hotel in Jackson, Wyoming and I decided to bring Ryleah along with me. I knew it would be major chaos if it was just me and the boys, so I thought I deserved some girly company. Ryleah was currently talking to Calum and his girlfriend Maggie, while me and Luke were in the bathroom of our hotel room. "Mom, you can call Sarah if you really think it's necessary."

                                "Well I'm just concerned that you're seeing that jerk again. I need your trust, Emily." I heard her heave a sigh into the phone after she spoke.

                                 "Do you want to talk to Ryleah? Because she's here, Mom. I promise. We were just wanting some girl time in the city is that not too much to ask?"

                                 "Well what's wrong with our town? Casper is fun." She tried to sound convincing but we all know most hometowns are pretty boring. Especially when you've lived there your whole life.

                                  "Okay, I'm not arguing anymore. I'll talk to you later. Love you!"

                                  "Bu-" before she could finish her sentence, I hung up. Let me tell you. Casey DeVito is the most annoying Mom ever.

I walked out of the bathroom, only to see an empty room except Ryleah sprawled out on her bed. We had two queen sized beds in our room, instead of only one like we planned originally, but since I brought Ryleah she obviously needed somewhere to sleep. It kind of sucked that she was single because I'm sure she will feel awkward around Calum and Maggie considering he's her favorite member. She's usually the single one in the group which is okay I guess, even though she whines about it half the time.

                                 Luke plopped down on our bed and began to browse through his phone, so I laid next to Ryleah and tried to pay attention to what she was doing on her phone. I squinted my eyes as I watched her play some game. "What's that?" I asked.

                               "Its just a game I saw Makayla playing." She shrugged. Makayla was her older sister, she was an awkward college girl that lived with her boyfriend in Montana. She doesn't come around often anymore because she wants to travel. But knowing Makayla, she'll never get around to it.

                              I nodded as I got back up and began rumaging through my suitcase. "What should we all do tonight?" I asked, still looking for something to wear. I was not going to sit in this hotel room all night. "We could go to a club, or maybe a movie. Jackson has that huge theater and they're playing Star Wars."

                             "I've already seen it." Luke spoke up. I looked back at him and glared.

                             "But some of us haven't. I know Ryleah has and she said it was good. She went with her brothers; Alex and Cameron." I said, turning to look at him. He shrugged and put his phone on the bed, standing up and kissing me on the top of my head before walking to the door.

                           "I'll go see what the boys want to do. Its almost five so you ladies might want to get ready before it starts." He smiled, walking out of the room. Ryleah jumped off her bed and smiled widely.

                          "I'm doing your makeup," she deadplanned. "And picking your outfit out becuase, no offense, you have horrible taste, Bambi." She smiled, innocently. She and the girls have called me Bambi since grade school. They would tease me because I "ran like a baby deer" so Ryleah thought it would be just hilarious if that was my nickname. And sadly, it stuck. All the way through highschool, and most likely through college too.

                        "Okay, fine." I groaned, grabbing my hairbrush and combing my dark locks out before she did anything to it. Tonight will hopefully be memorable. But its just the movies, nothing major will happen. Hopefully.


oMFG i havent been on in like 10000 years and im so fucking sorry everyone. i lost interest in it for a while but i promise i will start to write again.

annnnd we reached 5k !!! like what the hell it doesnt even seem like reality. this is so amazing that so many people read this story and as cliche as it sounds, im a poor 14 year old that lives in a rlly small fucking town that nobody cares about. so thank you so much for making my day :)

i love you all more than i love horror movies and thats saying a lot. thanks again for being patient and loving, and kind and just beautiful. im always here if you need anyone to spill your heart out too, and tbh ill probably do the same.

with much love and happiness,

-luna :))

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