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                   As cheesy as it sounds, I had no idea what to think at this point. I never saw Luke as the type to cheat, not that he is, but who wouldn't get jealous or angry when you see your boyfriend with another girl? He's drunk, it makes sense I suppose.

                  I walked up behind Luke, and grabbed his shoulder turning him around to face me. I gave him a questioning look. "What?" He slurred, almost falling over, but luckily I caught him before he made an even bigger fool of himself.

I rolled my eyes, "What are you doing?" I said as I tried to steady him in his drunken state. He didn't reply, only looked around the club as if he were searching for something. "Luke?"

He finally turned to face me and smiled. "Have you seen my girlfriend?" He asked. I widened my eyes. If he is cheating I swear on baby Jesus — "Her name is Emily." His eyebrows knitted together as he looked around again, trying to walk away but the grasp I had on his arm kept him planted right in front of me. "She's about this high," He motioned his hand right below his collarbone. That was way too short to be me but I didn't sweat it. "And she's so pretty." He smiled, looking at me. Damn, he's really drunk.

"Okay, let's get you to the hotel," I said as I dragged him by the arm, and out the door. I walked up to an uber cab that Ashton had eventually called, and told the man in the front seat to keep an eye on Luke while I went to go tell the others we were leaving. I buckled Luke in as if he were a small child, and told him I'd be back. "Find Emily!" I heard him yell out the window. I chuckled as I walked back in, getting an odd stare from the female bouncer as I passed her.

The atmosphere changed drastically as I stepped in, the cold air outside sent sharp goosebumps up my bare arms and legs, whereas the club was awfully humid and smelled of sweat and alcohol. I pushed passed the crowd, looking for at least someone I knew, to let them know we were leaving so they wouldn't have to worry. I then saw a drunk Calum and Maggie dancing by one of the speakers, and I immediately made my way to them. "Hey," I said as I panted. "Me and Luke are leaving, tell the others." Maggie nodded, though she was drunk I knew she understood what I said.

                          I ran back out the door, worried Luke had somehow got away. But as soon as I walked up to the backseat, I peered in and he was sound asleep. I sighed as I opened the door on the other side of the large cab-like vehicle, and slipped in next to Luke. I fastened my seatbelt, and told the driver where to go.

                           As we pulled up to the drive-in, I noticed there were no paparazzi nor fans, so I quickly unbuckled Luke and myself, trying to hurry before my past statement became true. "Luke," I lightly shook him until he woke. "We got to get inside, come on." I helped him out as he groaned. I told the uber driver to head over to the club again, just in case any of the others needed a ride home. Just as he drove off, Luke looked me in the eyes, his widening. He then bent down and threw up right at my feet. This was going to be a long night.


hello my lovely people

im so terribly sorry i havent updated, but i will be now. i finally got my wattpad back, and as you may not know, i had some trouble with my app store and i haven't been able to download on it. i had to undownload wattpad from my ipad because my storage was low and i had it on my phone but my phone sucks so it was really hard to write on it.

anyway, all that matters is im back now and i will be updating once a week at least!


plz vote n comment, i hope i didnt lose any of you.

love you em, hope you enjoy xx lukeisminex

stay strong, ily <3


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