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By the time I got Luke all cleaned up and put to bed, I was exhausted. I felt so gross after he threw up on me, so I decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom, and I undressed myself, careful not to trip and fall while taking the dress off. It was now that I realized, I was really buzzed from those couple of shots. After I took the dress off, I stood in front of the mirror that hang above the sink. I decided to take off my makeup before my shower so I didn't look like a gothic raccoon afterwards. I searched the counter for my toiletries bag, but when I noticed Ryleah must've taken it back to the room, I silently cursed to myself.

I didn't mind much walking out there with no clothes on, a bra and thong on still, because Luke was asleep. Plus he was my boyfriend. It shouldn't matter if he was asleep or not, right? I shook my head as I carefully opened the bathroom door, quiet not to wake him. I quickly turned the light off in the bathroom so the flowing brightness wouldn't stur him. I walked over to my suitcase, finding my small bag neatly zipped on top. I also grabbed a pair of lightwashed, gray cotton shorts and an old band tee of Luke's that laid beside my own suitcase. Just as I turned around, the darkness had me tripping over a shirt that was messily on the floor.

I nearly fell, but I had luckily caught myself before it would've ended badly. I chuckled drunkenly as I walked towards the bathroom, turning the light on and once again walking in front of the large mirror. After my makeup was removed, as well as my undergarments, I turned on the water as hot as it would go, and carefully stepped in. I leaned against the cold tile wall for a short moment, taking in tonight's events. I smiled to myself as I remembered Luke's drunken state, realizing how lucky I was too have such an amazing goofball like him.

After washing myself, I got out of the shower, most of my buzz gone becuase of the relaxation the shower gave me. I sighed in tiredness as I reached for a clean, white towel off the rack. I dried myself, slipping on a clean pair of underwear. I avoided putting a bra on because that push-up bra had already had my breasts aching due to the tightness of it. I slipped on the shorts, followed by Luke's t-shirt. It smelled just like him, and I smiled to myself as I quickly braided my long, dark hair behind my back. As soon as I was finished in the bathroom, I cleaned up the small water mess and picked up my dirty clothes, laying them lazily on my suitcase.

I slipped in carefully next to Luke, and laid on my back. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, seeing I had no texts from the others. I quickly sent Ashton a text, saying the uber was outside and if they needed a ride to call me.

I looked over at Luke, who looked as peaceful as a sleepy puppy on a rainy day. I quietly kissed his fore head, turning over so my back was facing him. I was about 30 seconds into sleep before I felt the bed move a bit, and a large arm drape across my waist from behind. "I love you." I heard him mumble.


                            I woke up to the sound of a plate falling on the floor, and glass breaking. I shot up from where I was, seeing that Luke was no longer beside me. I jumped off the bed, and out of mine and Luke's room, and into the small kitchen. Since we were staying the whole weekend, the boys thought it would be necessary to buy a full suite. Like I said before, there was mine and Luke's shared bed, and then Ryleah's in one room. There was a bathroom, a small attatched kitchen, with a small living area. Ashton, Maggie, Calum, and Michael are sharing the one right next door.

                               I slowly stepped into the kitchen, only to see Calum and Ryleah sweeping up what looked like to be a broken plate. My heart rate slowed down as I saw nobody was hurt. "Good morning?" I furrowed my eyebrows, catching their attention.

                               Calum's head shot up from the dustpan he was holding for Ryleah as she sweeped up the evident mess. "Um.." Calum trailed off, standing up after Ryleah was finished.

                                "I may or may not have kind of, accidentally, threw a plate on the ground?" Ryleah smiled innocenly. I gave her a questioning look, one saying what the hell are you talking about? "I stubbed my toe," she laughed. "and I got mad and threw the closest thing I could find." She shrugged as if it was no big deal.

                                  "You're paying for the costs." I said as I walked over to the fridge, pouring myself some orange juice.

                                   I looked over as I heard Calum clear his throat. "I got it covered." he smiled at me and Ryleah as he walked out of the suite, and into the hallway. Once Calum was out of earshot, I looked at Ryleah, waiting for an honest response.

                                   "I told Calum me and Michael fucked last night and he accidentally dropped the plate. I don't know why he seemed so upset over it, but that's why he was helping with the mess, and that's why he said he would pay for the plate." Ryleah looked up at me, taking a sip of my juice.

                                     My eyes widened, "So you fucked Michael?" I asked. She nodded in response, waving the conversation away, meaning she was done talking about the subject. I sighed as I took the glass from her. "Where's Luke?"

                                     "He's in the shower." She simply stated as she walked out of the room, and into the small bedroom. I sighed once more, setting the cup down on the granite counter. I rubbed my eyes out of sleepiness, and slightly out of hangover mode. I grabbed an aspirin from Ryleah's Forever 21 bag, and gulped it down with the sensation of my orange juice.


hello, my loves!

how was your day? good? great to hear.

i'm glad i'm back, and i hope you all are too. have an amazing spring break + easter. kisses to all of you. especially lukeisminex

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don't risk it,




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