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                      It was officially one week before Luke was coming up and I was dreading to spill the news to my Mom. So I decided not even to tell her. I was going to check into a hotel, and have me and Luke spend some alone time there instead of being surrounded by my judgmental family. I still don't know how I'm telling my parents I will be gone a few days.

I had just got off of Skype with all four of the 5sos boys and it was dreamy — as always. At first, I was iffy on actually having Luke come up, but now I know it is the right thing to do. We need to work things out in person. He's bringing the boys too, and they're going to stay at the same hotel just different rooms. Calum is staying with his girlfriend, then Michael and Ash are sharing a room. It will be a blast, we can go to clubs, and go out to eat, maybe even do some drugs — who knows. Just kidding. But honestly, I am really excited to spend some time with the boys and I really wanted to invite the girls but Lily has a boyfriend. And I don't ever want to start drama between her and Jacob, they have never gotten into a fight and I wasn't going to be the cause of their first one.

                       I walked upstairs to see where everyone was, but nobody seemed to be home unless Ryan was outside working in the shop or something, but other than that I was all alone, and I was loving it. I blasted 5sos through the stereo, like every other time I was alone, and just because I'm now dating one of the members doesn't mean I have to stop being their #1 fan. I took my leggings off, so I was now in a big t-shirt and my Calvin Klein undies. I started jumping up and down to the beat of the music and singing along to all the songs that came on.


i didn't really know how to end this haha i think the next one or two chapters will just be emily and luke texting then i will bring up the day the boys come, and all fun will kick in ;)

ily all and i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while.

stay beautiful!


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