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I was on my way to school, sweatpants hoodie and messy bun. I felt worthless today so why not look worthless too? Sighing, I parked my SUV and walked up to the school and was greeted with the principal giving good mornings to the students. He stopped me as I tried to walk passed him.

                  "Is everything okay, Emily?" He asked, concerned. I nodded, trying to walk away again but he caught me before I could. "I think you should see the counselor again. Just today, you look a little beat."

                    "Everyone has a bad day, Mr. Hadley. I assure you I'm fine." I faked a smile so he would leave me alone.

                     "O-Okay, hope you get to feeling better," He said hesitantly, letting my shoulder go. "And you're talking again?" I nodded, walking to my first class. Mr. Hadley knew about my issues with the muteness and depression and he got me a counselor for at school, and it helped a little in all honesty. He is a really nice man, and he cares about his students more than anything.

                        Cally was in my first class and I was debating on whether or not to tell her, Ryleah, and Lily about me speaking. But again, the body works before the mind and before I knew it I was blabbing my mouth off to Cally, all through my first period. About Luke, and about me talking, and about my Mom's outburst. Even a little on Ethan too.

                          Her mouth hung agape the whole time I was talking. And her next class, she had Ryleah and Lily in so I told her just to tell them everything, even though Lily already knows about the Luke thing. I'm sure she will back me up and say Luke was real. Oh Luke.

                          As if on que, my phone buzzed, and I looked around the classroom to make sure the teacher nor any students noticed. I pulled it out, and put my hands in the desk so nobody would be able to see my phone.

                          It was Luke.


hahahahahahahaha cliffhanger yoooo

anyway, i got kicked off my fanpage @/seasonsluek and i'm sooooo pissed and a little sad. i had like 3k on there and my backup only has like 700 haha and i just got a co-owner on there so i'm like W T F

if you know anything about this, please leave some comments below and i hope you enjoyed this short chap, i promise they will get a little longer it just depends!


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