Love Fooled Me

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2 Years Ago


"Happy Birthday babe!" Jake appeared at my door on the day of my birthday with a large bouquet of flowers.

"Awe! Thanks Jake!" I grinned from ear to ear.

Jake is my boyfriend, the sweetest and most caring person i have ever met.

"To the sweetest girl on Earth" he smiled handing me the flowers as he kissed me softly.

I sat on the edge of my bed with my legs crossed and looked at Jake who sat against the head of the bed tossing one of my teddy bears into the air.

"You look adorable" he said, smiling at me and my outfit.

My hair was soaking wet which would explain why i had a towel wrapped around it. My white pajamas with small pink hearts all over were baggy on me, but i liked it. And last but not least, my fluffly slippers that matched perfectly.

"Liar" i laughed.

Jake chuckled throwing his head back and then said, "There is no one more perfect than you are" he grabbed my hand. "Bella Viera??"

I looked deeply into his eyes and said, "Yes Jake Gomez?"

"Will you be mine forever and always?" He asked, his lower lip quivering.

Was he nervous? He knows the answer to the question. Jake is my forever guy. He makes everything so much easier and much better, i love Jake, and nothing will change that.

"Yours forever and always Jake" i smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me.

I slowly got lost into our kiss letting any problems in my head dissapear, this was all that mattered-

Jake and I<3


*Authors Note*

First of all thank you so much if you are reading this!!! Please let me know wht you think so i can figure out if it is worth it to keep on with the story!!!

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Love you!! xxx


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