Chapter 6- I. Hate. You

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Chapter 6-

-I. Hate. You.-

I didnt know it was this hard making breakfast...

I finally gave up on making eggs and bacon before i set the house on fire...

Adam left long before i even woke up so i didnt have the chance to talk to him about last night.

I faint knock appeared on the door and i washed my hands that has oil on them and made my way towards it.

"Hi, uhh... Adam's mother is cooking, she invited you to go over"

I think im still dreaming...

This tall, veryy well shaped guy, with dark brown hair and stunning big brown eyes stood before me.

"Oh.. Sure" i smiled what i hoped was a good smile... I couldnt see it anyway so whatever, i didnt give it much thought.

"My name is Tayler by the way" he smiled holding out his hand to me.

I hesistated but took it and said, "Im Bella".

I walked with him towards Adams house, he's a chill guy, and a nice person.

Once there he opened the door for me to walk in first.

"Thank you" i smiled politely.

"Anything for such a beautiful girl" he smiled.

I swear i could feel myself burning, my cheeks must be red.

I looked away to find an angry Adam.

"When you guys are done flirting, come and eat" he snapped making his way back towards the dining room.

"Whats his problem?" I asked Tayler, who seemed to have the same expression on.

"I guess he doesnt want his next victim to be around other guys" he shrugged.

"Next victim? What are you talking about?" I asked curiousity taking over me.

"Oh, you dont know?" I nodded and waited for him to continue, "You're not the first girl Adam uses for popularity."

My jaw literally dropped. Popularity? What? He.. He wouldnt do that?....

"Popular kids need to keep playing girls, Adam already has gotten most of the girls in your school in what? Like a month since hes been here?... He needs someone else, i guess he found a pretty girl living next door from school and figured that would help keep his reputation intact"

My jaw dropped even lower, if that was even possible!!!

Anger quickly took over me, i cant believe this!

"I-I have to go..." I said wiping away a small tear that had managed to escape my eyes.

"Bella wait!" Taylers soothing voice called out to me, but i just kept walking.

I didnt go home, no, i ran towards the lake and dipped my feet into it feeling the warm water rush through.

That's when someone sat beside me, and that someone was Adam.

He kept staring at me, as if waiting for me to speak... Well guess what? I im not going to speak!. Im going to walk away...

I picked up my shoes from the ground and began to walk out back home.

A hand strapped itself around my wrist stopping me.

"What's wrong Bella?" Adams deep voice said.

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