Chapter #17- Not Just You

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Hey guys! new chappy, hope you all like it c:

Title is from the song Not Just You by Cody Simpson c: Go listen to it :p

Love you all! xxx


 I slowly stood from my chair, my hair falling behind my back as i walked away.

"The thing is Amanda, i thought you were different." i said as i kept on walking and never looked back.


That Morning:

"I'll be careful mom, i promise." i said once again when my mother asked me to be safe wherever i was going.

Truth is, i think she's going a little paranoid thinking that i'll get into another car accident which isnt the case, i'm just going to the park with Milly.

I've missed her so much it's been forever.

As i walked down my street I kept getting these weird stares from the people around me. Some were filled in pity and some just gave me a weird look and walked away. I think it's mostly cause of all the bruises and scars covering my body, and the marks and burns and well, everything. My eyes had bags and my lip was busted. 

I tried my best to ignore them, i find it kind of rude to look at people the way they're looking at me, but i'm in no place to stop every person who is doing it just to tell them that, so i'll ignore it as best as i can.

Milly and I finally reached the park and i took a seat on a forest green bench because i am too tired to keep walking around. I put the leash as long as it could go and let Milly roam around and try to get other dogs but the leash in the way wouldn't let her.

I laughed because she'd start running and then she'd fall cause she couldn't run any more and the leash would pull her back.  It's been a while since i've been happy, or consious at all, but it feels nice.


I looked up from Milly who had started barking at two familiar big eyes covered by a pair of glasses. 

"Billy?"  i asked as i looked into his forest green eyes.  He gave me a smile and sat down next to me.

"How have you been?" he asked as he petted MIlly's head who quickly ran up to him to lick him. I shrugged, "Better"

He looked down at his hands,  "Everyone's talking about it...," i looked at him silently, but he ddint meet my eyes, "What?"

He looked at the swing set in front of us and took a deep breath, "Everyone's talking about the accident, Elena especially" he mumbled without looking at me not once. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. Elena?  I grabbed Billy's hand and shook it lightly which made him finally look at me, but he had little tears in his eyes.

My grip on his hand tightened, "Billy what's wrong?" He gave me a little pity look and then looked away and mumbled, "I thought you had died...."

He looked at the grass, "I can't look at you without crying, you look to beat up and hurt, it's terrible"  I smiled a little and turned him around to face me.

"Billy, look, i'm fine. Just a few cuts and burns, i'm going to be okay," i smiled, "I didnt die" 

I leaned in and gave him a tight hug. 

 He squeezed me a little and then pulled away from me with a confused look, "Have you uh, talked to your friend Amanda?"

I shook my head, "No. I was planning on it today after I took Milly for a walk here," I paused, "Wait, why?"

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