Chapter 15- It's A Miracle!

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🎆~It's A Miracle~🎆


I sat by the bed where Bella's body still laid. She had been there for two weeks now and i made it my personal routine to stay by her side and be the first one to see her open her gorgeous eyes.

I had been reading a book, my favorite book, it's one called The Outsiders. It's about these boys that call themselves "Greasers", this would be my fifth time reading it but i started again and i read it aloud when i'm in Bella's room.

So far no emergencies have happened, she's just layed there motionless.

I began to read and was halfway through the first few pages when one of the monitors in the room began to beep a bit faster than they were before.

I looked over at the bed, Bella's hand moved slightly and she kept shakingher head side to side slowly.

I rushed next to her and took her hand in mine, "Bella? Bella? Baby you alright?"

She just kept moving, mumbling word i couldn't catch clearly.

Only two reached y ears that had my insides tingling.

"Wont........die...." She murmured, her vocie lower than a whisper.

My eyes widened. She's concious? Has she been concious all along?!

I gulped hard as the doctors began rushing into the room and telling me to step out for a moment so they could tend to the problem.

Problem? What problem? I just want to know if she'll make it! She can't die! She won't die! I know her!

She's strong, she's a fighter, and she stays with what she loves. She wouldn't leave all the people outside in that waiting room alone forever. I know she'll come back.

"Is she okay?!" Amanda rushed over to me holding me firmly in place as she tightened her grip on my arm by the second.

I winced slightly but she didn't seem to notice because she just kept going, "I think she'll be fine, i mean, she started moving and talking a bit before i walked out..."

Her eyes glistened with freshly made tears, "Really!?"

I nodded my head and was suddenly engulfed in one of her hugs.

Wait.. I thought Amanda hated me? Afterall, i kind of broke her best friend's heart....maybe she forgot.

Back to the matter at hand, we sat outside the room looking quite lonely. We had dialed Bella's parents to come and they were seated across from us holding hands with hope written on their face.

Jake and Summer rushed over here as soon as they received the news.

It seems to me that Summer just wants her best friend back but i'm not sure how thats going to work out with Amanda there.

I'm sure she won't allow Summer near Bella, after all the things she did to her, i dont even know how she could've forgiven her. But that just shows how caring and forgiving she is.

I thought about my little Princess back here with me-with us- laughing as we told jokes and watched Amanda and I argue endlessly and suddenly felt a wash of relief as i remembered she'd woken up, but i'm not sure in what condition she's in right now.

The doctors have been in there for over thirty minutes now and i'm getting impatient.

I glanced at Jake who looked frustrated with his hands resting on his knees and his hair messy due to the many times he'd ran his hand through it.

I smiled at him when his eyes met mine. He smiled back,but i knew his smile was forced, he's a guy and he's trying to hide how much he cares for Bella even though they agreed to just be friends.

I felt a bit scared because i know deep inside Bella is always going to have feelings for Jake.

I walked over to him and sat on the empty seat beside him patting his back a little, "It'll be alright man"

He looked at the floor and watched as a drop of water landed on the hospital floor.

"I hope she's okay..." He trailed off glancing at the closed door of the hospital room Bella was in.

I was about to agree to him but the door swung open revealing a very smiley and happy doctor.

He sauntered to us-still smiling- and said, "Bella has awoken, sorry for the wait, but we had some problems with her monitor but she's okay now"

At the sound of that i was already up and sprinting towards the room door.

I walked right through it just as the nurses began to walk out.

And there she lay, the most beautiful, sweet girl in the whole world. Bella.

A grin instantly formed on my face and she smiled back, "Bella!"

Her head snapped to meet my gaze as i strolled over to her. "Adam?,"

I stopped moving. Did she not think i was coming? did she think i'd stay home and not be there?. Ouch.

"I didn't think you'd come" she smiled fondly, and i couldn't help but want to kiss her right now.

"Babe you couldn't think whatsoever 'till a few seconds ago" i teased a little and chuckled when she laughed on the bed bringing her arms to her face and covering it.

I smiled knowing I had that effect on her, "Well, I'm going out to speak to the doctors for a bit to see when you can return home!"

She squealed and cupped my face, "Don't go!"

I let out a low chuckle, "Baby, i'll be right outside. Plus, the others are all waiting to see you"

She pouted her plump lips, "Okay"

I leaned in and dropped a small kiss on her forehead. I swiftly turned around and unwillingly let go of her cold hand.

As i walked outside i turned around and blew her a kiss.

My life was gone for a few months, and now it's back, she's back.

And now, i'll love her more than ever, because i don't know what i'd do without her.



Omg! :( i'm sorry guys</3 i've been such a ghost during the past months</3

I'm sorry! i've been cramped with school work & clubs and all! i'm really sorry!

I'll be updating more often && i'll make space for Wattpad updates on my schedule!

Love you guys! xxxx


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