Chapter 5-Small Walks Long Talks

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-Small Walks, Long Talks-

After Jake left i stayed home for a while and watched some movies until Adam's mom, Leslie, called me over to have dinner.

"Isn't this exciting!" She chirped as everyone gathered by the dining table.

Derek sat in front of me and Leslie sat next to him. The only seat available was next to me and thats where Adam sat.

"Yeah" i mumbled as i took a bite of my steak.

I wasn't exactly hungry but i didn't want to turn down another meal Leslie had cooked for us.

"How long have you and Adam known eah other?" She asked looking from me to Adam and so on.

Before i even got a chance to answer her Adam decided to speak up.

"A couple of days, dad, how was work?" He changed the subject quickly.

But why?

Did he feel unfomfortable talking about this?

"Excuse me" i said as i stood up and walked outside.

I need fresh air, and i certainly need to get away from Adam.

I sat on the steps and looked outside, at the lake our houses were facing.

"Hey, what happened back there?" A sudden voice said making me snap my head up to face it.

"Hm.. I dont know" i replied, Adam walked over to where i sat.

"You know Jake?" He asked taking a sip from his can of beer, i didnt know he was into that..

I simply nodded my head and began my way back over to my house.

"Why are you avoiding me?" A husky deep voice said to me as i opened the door to my house.

I looked back, "Im not" and closed the door.

I looked out my window and Adam stayed seated in front of my house for about two hours.

It was getting dark and he showed no signs of going back home yet.

I di notice he'd taken a few minutes to bring out more cans of beer to drink.

It's honestly starting to freak me out...

That's when i heard sobbing, and crying...

I looked outside and his face was buried in his hands and he cried into them desperately.

I couldnt help but wonder what was wrong...

I walked outside slowly.

"Adam?" His face looked up at mine and i saw his eyes were red and puffy, the empty beer cans were thrown all over the place.

"Come inside" i said, i walked over to him and swung his hand over my shoulder helping him up.

He stumbled and i knew by tomorrow morning he'd be having a hangover.

I walked him inside to my room, i figured he could sleep there and ill sleep on the couch by the tv room, ive slept there before, its really comfortable.

He plopped onto my bed without making a sound, he kicked his shoes off and wrapped himself on my blankets.

He was soo enjoying this ..

I placed two Advils and water on the night stand and made my way out when i heard him say..

"Stay" i looked back at him and his eyes were barely open.

"Please Bella, stay" he said pleadingly.

I walked to the bathroom after nodding and sliped out of my clothes and into some warm pyjamas.

Once i got back his shirt was on the floor and i could see his bare chest... I looked away before my eyes got too comfortable there.

I slid into the bed and i felt his arm wrap itself around my waist.

After thinkin and thinking of any evident reason to why Adam was crying outside, i fell asleep.

I guess ill just ask him tomorrow morning.

Ever since Adam came into my life everything has been so complicated, but so easy all at once.

I just want this to be over.


*Authors Note*

Thanks so much if you have been reading this book i honestly appreciate it!!

Anyway, remember to follow, vote, fan and comment!!!!

Love you guys!!! Xxx


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