Chapter 4- Home Alone 2

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.. Did that just happen?..

Adam freakig Anderson just kissed me!

And i liked it!

'Dummie you have a boyfriend!'

Shit! Jason! Oh my God when he finds out!

I glanced at Adam who looked at the floor in pure dissapointment, his lips were red and swollen.

It felt like pure bliss having kissed him, it was like Heaven!


Why isn't he looking at me?

He's making me worried..

'Maybe because he doesnt like you,have you thought maybe he just wants what all guys want? -Sex?'

Ugh i hate that little voice, it's always right..

Maybe what he does want is to just hae sex with me and then dissapear, i don't want to loose my virginity, but all at once, it's what my body wants whenever im around Adam, an undeniable feeling just circuits through my body turning on every possible spark.

"Im sorry Bell" his eyes finally meeting mine, they were darker, and his face looked blank, empty, with no emotions available for me to read.

I stayed quiet, i still hadn't conjured a good enough response for him.

His chest was heavily beating, he took a deep breath, "I shouldn't have kissed you"

His eyes pierced sharply into mine, i can tell he means what he is saying.

"Uhm...w-why not?" I walked to the seat next to him and sat down, what just happened wasn't a mistake on any of our parts, we both clearly know that.

Uneasily he stepped away from me, "You have a boyfriend," he started, scratching the back of his neck with one hand which made his biceps even more attrative, "Jason's my best friend, i can't do that to him"

"Then don't" i spat, the words flew out harshly and rude, i didn't mean it that way.

'You stupid little girl, you're head over heels for Adam, stop fooling yourself'

No it can't be... Even if i finish it with Jason, Adam won't like me, if he's that close to him, he'd never go for his ex-girlfried.

"Just don't go around telling people about this" he said as he grabbed his wallet from the counter placing it into his pockets and heading to the door.

"Adam wait!" I tried stopping him but suddenly forgot how strong he is, his hand shook me away like a fly.

"Don't be sorry" i said as he slammed the door and walked off.

I watched as he walked back to his house entering and slamming that door too.

"What have i done" i exhaled sharply throwing myself on the couch behind me.


"My mom is calling you" Adams husky voice rung inside my ears, i have been laying in my bed with the door locked ever since Adam left the house which would be about two hours ago.

I pulled the curtains closed so i wouldn't have to see him.

I marched my way down the stairs and to his house.

"Where have you been? We were so worried! And Adam wouldn't talk to anyone! He's been locked up in his room ever since-" Leslie began talking as soon as i walked through the door, the entire family was sitting in the living room, concern plastered on their faces, excpet Adam, who wasn't there.

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