Chapter 2- Welcome Seniors

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Present Day


"There's no way i am letting him come" i complained to my best friend Amanda as i slammed the door of my locker once i had crammed all my books into it.

Amanda and I were throwing a party over at her place this Saturday, were both hosting the party so that means we both invite who is coming.

It's a Welcome Senior party, it was a welcoming party to all the seniors. She wanted me to invite Jake, no way!

"You have to get over it Bell! It's been what? Two years since you guys broke up!" She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, when your boyfriend goes and cheats on you with your ex-bestfriend you tell me if you're inviting him to your party" i coldly spat, "See you later"

I had no interest in talking to her if all she would talk about was Jake, it's like she likes him or something!


"Ow! Careful!" I heard a voice behind me, was it talking to me or to someone else?!

I turned around and saw this figure standing there, Adam Anderson?

I must be hallucinating, what is Adam Anderson doing by my neighborhood!?

I didn't even know what to say! He's the type of guy that if you even steal a glance of his appearance, you just melt!

His dirty blonde hair fell over his eyes that seemed to glow.

"I-Im sorry" i said, i mentally slapped myself, everytime i talk to any of the football jocks -which was often...bad habits- i stuttered, i don't even know why!

"It's alright, just be careful next time, wouldn't want anyone hurt" he flashed me a smile.

For goodness sake! Even though they are all pretty handsome and all, they all seem to get on my nerves, they try being sweet but they are a pain!

I just bumped into his shoulder! No one can get hurt from that! What is he?! A doctor?!

"Uh...sure?" I replied, i know i sound like some stuck up bitch, but these kind of people annoy me..

I mean honestly, they are sweet and loving to find out about you and then they use that to pick on you with their friends.

I would know, i hang out with these people!

I kept on my walk turning at the street where i spotted my house.

"You live by here?" Adam said panting as he tried to catch up to me.

What does he want?!

I turned to face him stopping in my tracks. "Yes, why?"

"Cool, so do i" he simply replied smiling.

I didn't answer him, i began my walk back home, alone...

"Which one of these houses is yours?" He asked me from behind.

This time i just kept walking towards my house, "The yellow one with the big white roof".

There was a loud gasp coming from his lips.

"What? What now?!?" I screamed in annoyance.

"That one is my house" he chuckled pointing to the house right next to mine.

Wait what?! Adam Anderson lived right next door to me?!

I began speed walking to my front door as he walked up to his door taking out the key from his pockets and placing it into the lock.

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