Chapter #19- Fear is a Choice

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                                                            Chapter #19- Fear is a Choice

Bella's Point of View

        I was not afraid of Elena, i was taught from a young age that if someone physically hurts you (punch, slap, hit, kick, etc..)  you hit back, dont wait for them to beat you to a pulp to then do it, do it at the moment it happens.

        I told my parents what had happened, and today we had school, which meant i would see Elena so i made up my mind on what I would say when i confronted her. I didn't really want to give out that Adam told me in fear that she'd do something she would regret, so i chose to go with "Rumors spread quickly at this school."

        It wasn't hard to find her, only it was hard to get around the crowd of people who were crowding me and questioning how i was. Considering since i hadn't been to school since the accident and all, it's been a while. 

        "Excuse me, excuse me!" a voice shrieked, the hall in front of me cleared to the sides leaving Elena in view with a raged look and a fake smile plastered on. "Bella, tisk tisk tisk, i thought you'd never come back" she smiled, the people around us began to leave but some chose to stay and wathc, i guess they knew something would happen.


        Adam's POV

I parked my car in the next available slot in the lot and as i got out i realized no one was outside, usually there would be people standing outside, the cliques, the cheerleaders, football players, soccer players, you know. But the outside was deserted. I checked my phone to make usre i was on time, and in fact, i had come thirty minutes earlier. Where is everyone?

That's when i head it, the yelling, the screaming. Running to the school and pushing the two double doors open i froze in place. It was like a zoo in here, people screaming and yelling and chanting, two girls on the floor pulling at their hair and hitting each other, it was pretty intense.

I would have stood by and watched but i realized one of the girls was Bella, and i wouldnt let some idiotic person get her put in a hospital again. I rushed to their side and pried Bella off of Elena who was on the floor cut and bruised, her hair was a mess and she had a busted lip and nose.

 "Adam stop!" Bella yelled wiggling to get off my grip. Elena astood up and pointed a dirty manicured finger at Bella saying, "I hate you! You took Adam from me. You deserved to be in that hospital!" she paused, smiling wickedly as a tear slid down her cheek, "You should have died in there."

Bella was charging at her again but i stopped her just in time. "Elena, stop being stupid. I would never like you, Bella has nothing to do with it. Grow up, youre a senior, stop acting like a two year old baby." 

She gave me a look and walked over to me, "Do you know how it feels to be hated by everyone around you?" she whispered.

I shook my head and she continued, "I do. So when you showed affection for me and she came bustling in and you left me for her, i was back to square one Adam, and you never cared! I hate you!" she put her hands on my chest and hit me several times, but i just stood there as she kept repeating that she hated me.

Bella got in front of me, "Go Elena, get out."  Elena looked at me and then looked around at the crowd that had formed with tears forming in her eyes. She bit her lip silently and turned away, stomping her way to class as her heels hit the ground again and again and again.

Bella turned to me and hid her face on my chest, "I'm sorry..." I ran my hand through her hair holding her close to me. You know when everything feels like the movies, the feeling in your stomach like you are about to blow all because of one person, that is me. I cannot get over Bella, how sweet and how caring she is. Things are just great every minute of everyday, and i'm glad this isnt just some sort of movie cause i know i'll never wake up. 

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