Chapter 13- Life Isn't Always Fair❌

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Chapter 13

❌~Life Isn't Always Fair~❌


I woke up on the couch in Bella's living room. Te house looked completely empty as i looked around.

I stood up stretching my arms over my head as every sleeping muscle woke up.

I sauntered to the kitchen quietly swinging the door open.

I found Bella's mom in the kitchen preparing food but seemed a little frustrated.

"Is it eerything okay miss?" I asked walking in an waving hello.

Her gaze directed to me before she let out a frustrated groan, "I sent Bella to the grocery store to buy me some things for dinner but she has been gone for thirtyminutes now and i can't coo without the ingre-"

Her phone began to ring diverting both of our attention towards it as she replie to an unknown caller.

"Hello?" She said into the line, "Yes Bella is my daughter why?"

I stared at her curiously before she let out a loud gasp,her face turning pale and her eyes widening with tears. Her hands began to shake uncotrollably and the phone fell to the floor.

I rushed to her to help her before she fell.

"We have to go! You drive i can't right now! To the hospital!" She yelled fresh tears streaming down her face as she rushed out of the house, i followed closely behind.

I started the car as she got inside and rushed out to the hospital, "Is eerythin okay?" I finally asked.

She shook her head, "Bella..she ..she got into a huge car accident and she's in a come right now"


"You're joking right?" I questioned feeling anger take over my body.

God please let this be a joke! I thought to myself as i watched the hospital come into view.

After a few seconds she spoke up, "Ive never been more serious in my entire life"

I swallowed hard hoping deep down that Bella would be out of the coma by the time we arrived.

We walked to the front desk and the lady helped us by giving us the room number Bella was in.

"206A " i mumbled as i stood in front of the room, "This is it"

I let her mom go inside first for a while before i entered myself.

I looked around the room silently until my gaze landed on Bella's motionless body.

This is the moment i wanted her smart retorts, her anger, her sadness, and mostly, her love.

I wanted her to be awake so we could talk and then she'd be out of this crazy thing and we could be together again.

It's just not fair you know? Life.

How it sees something you love and plays a twisted trick to pull you apart and test your loves strength.

From my life i've been taken away many things, been ripped apart from those i loved, thrown aside by those i trusted, backstabbed by the ones i thought i could call "Friends" but this was something new.

The aching pain in my heart grew when i came to realization that she wouldn't wake up anytime soon, but another part of me couldn't stop wishing for a miracle, one that would wake Bella up so we could get the hell out of this room and forget this ever happened.

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