Chaoter 9- Forgive & Forget

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-Forgive & Forget-

At the feeling of someone shaking me lightly by the shoulders my eyes began to open slowly bringing me to reality from my dream.

"Guess what?!" Amanda squealed as she saw my eyes opening as i rubbed them with the back of my hand.

"What?" I mumbled letting out a soft groan, "Jesus woman! For a girl as skinny as you, you weight tons! Get off" i scolded her as i pushed her off my sleepy body.

Stumbling to the floor she stood up quickly, "Geez! Thanks alot! Anyway, get up now were going shopping!"

Clapping her hads together she pulled the sheets off and then pulled the curtains apart causing the suns rays to penetrate into my cozy warm room.

Standing up from my bed i put on my slippers and sauntered my way towards the bathroom.

"Dont take too long" Amanda called out to me, i let out a huff of air and closed the door.

Why does she even want to go shopping?

She's so weird..


I don't think that's normal...

I thought to myself as i watched Amanda eat a hamburger like there was no end..

"Careful, we dont want you to choke" i bit back my laughter.

Once done we both threw the remains of our foods and wrappes in the nearest trash can and began our walk aroud the mall entering stores once in a while.

"We need to enter in Bakers!" She squealed in enthusiasm.

That's one thing about us, we both share the same love for that store.

When Amanda and I met, she was helping her mom who used to work at Bakers and i was just a girl passing by with my mother.

They seemed to have been so happy at seeing each other that they scheduled dinner at each other's house all the time.

They were best friends since middle school and believe it or not, they were the populars. I loved hearing stories from their past, that was until Mandy's mother passed away. She was diagnosed with brain tumor, and a few months later, she died in the hospital.

Amanda (Mandy) went into a stage of depression and she wouldn't get out of her house. My mom and I would go over to her house all the time and we'd help cheer her up.

After a few weeks of grief and depression, Mandy was asked out by a guy from our school named Jack, they went out for a while and i had never seen her so happy. Then he moved away and until this very day, he still visits Mandy, and everytime they see each other you can tell in their eyes and smile that they really love each other. Jack told me he was planning on moving back just to be with her, i swear, he is te sweetest!

Imnot allowed to tell Mandy though, it's a surprise for her birthday which is coming up in a month.

We made our way into the store in 'awe', all the shoes were stacke neatly. A women looked at herself in the mirror while a little boy ran around the store giggling.

"Come on babe let's go!" I heard a manly voice enter the store, "Im tired".

It sounded oddly familiar.

"I want the-" Amanda began speaking but when she turned around her jaw fell and i noticed she wasn't looking at me, but over my shoulder.

Afraid of what i might see if i turn around, i didn't, "Mandy? What's wrong?"

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