Chapter 3- Home Alone 1

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"The party was amazing to be honest" Amanda rushed up to me mumbling as she hugged me.

Sadly, Monday had arrived, and i just got out of my car at school, i wondered if everyone enjoyed it.

"Yeah, guess what!!!" I squeaked happily!

On Saturday i danced with this amazing guy! And he asked me out, and i said yes!

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What is it?!" She squealed slapping my shoulder lightly, she seems more excited about this than i am!

"You know Jason, the football player?" I began speaking, the words flew out of my mouth happily.

"We danced at the party an got to know each other" i continued, she signaled me to go on with a gin plastered on her tan face.

"Before the party ended, he asked me out, and... I said yes!" I giggled.

She screamed of happiness laughing all at once.

"Im happy for you guys, girl, he cute!" She smiled throwing her head back.

Suddeny an arm snaked around my wrist and then grabbed my hand.

"Hey babe" Jason grinned at me.

My gaze finally met his, i couldn't help but blush when he lightly pecked my cheek with his plump lips.

"Hey Jason" i smiled joyfully.

"Eh.. Can we talk" his eyes flew from mine to Amandas repeatedly, "alone?" He added.

I looked at Amanda and gave her one of my 'see-you-later' looks.

She nodded and then scurried away into the school, i was able to spot Adam as he was passing by me and Jason.

"Hey J, what up man?" He smiled as he and Jason did a hand shake that seemed to go on forever.

I crossed my hand over my chest as looked at the two talk about the party.

I seemed to be left out which made me a bit sad to be honest.

I cleared my throat loudly and said, "Ill see you later baby, i gotta get to class"

Adam gave me a puzzled look as he waved a greetfully, "Hey Bell".

"Hey Adam" i smiled back politely.

What did this jackass want?

"I can't believe you asked her out man!" I heard Adam call to Jason as i walked away.

How rude!

'Go back there and kiss Jason so Adam can see what hes missing!' The voice in my head told me.

No! Im not that type of girl! If i kiss Jason, its because i want to kiss him not to make another guy -Adam of them all- jealous! That'd be unfair to both me and Jason.

I chuckled as i noticed i was arguing with my own thoughts.

'How much more stupid can you get Bella!' The voice annoyed me some more.

I tried blocking it out and headed to class with a smile plastered on my face.

"You're late!" Mr. Spilding called my attention when i walked into the class.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and eyed me.

"Sorry, won't happen again" i smiled apologetically as i looked for a seat.

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