Finding my way

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Jason ^^^

*next day*

"I feel awful" I told my mom after being up all night with a fever. "I know sweet heart just take your Medicean and get some sleep, I have to go to work honey but you can call me if you need anything" she whispered sweetly while brushing my hair out of my eyes. " ok that's fine.i love you" I said taking a sip of my water. A few minutes later she was gone and I was going to sleep. "Stop....stop...SHUT UP!" I yelled half asleep at my phone that wouldn't stop ringing. "Hello?" I said answering the device "hey wanna hang out?" Asked Jason " sorry I'm sick" I replied slowly sitting up "are you ok? Is anyone there with you?" He ask sounding concerned "nope the boys are gone to a friends house and everyone else had stuff to do today" I said wishing to just fall back asleep " ok I'm coming over to take care of you" he said determinedly before I could tell him no he had hung up the phone. Great no I have to clean my self up I went to the bathroom pulled my hair into a messy bun and washed my face "good enough" I said deciding to stay in my sweat pants and Rolling Stones t shirt. I walked down stairs and got some orange juice and crackers, and head into the den. Unfortunately as soon as I sat down on the couch the doorbell made me get up. When I opened the door I saw Jason standing there with soup and some movies. "Wow you look sick" he said looking me over " thanks nothing makes a girl feel better then when she is told she looks like crap" I said walking back to the den " I didn't say that I just said you don't look like your normal self" he said walking behind me "your not really helping your self Jason" I told him as I plopped down on the couch grabbing a blanket. He sat down next to me and ask me what movie I wanted to watch "umm hunger games?" I said picking up the movie "ok" he got up to put it in then returned to the spot on the couch I laid my head on his shoulder and before I could move he put his arm around me. Oh my god what do I do does he like me do I really like him ?? 'No Jess he has a girlfriend' I reminded myself and started to sit up. A minute after sitting up I felt eyes on me "what?" I asked giggling but Jason did share the humor he just looked ahead and said "why did you sit up? Do I disgust you that much?" He ask, 'woah' where did that come from! I ask myself "are you foreal?" I ask him , after a moment of silence I decided to give him a serous answer "Jason I don't think Emily would like this very much, I'm sorry" why did I apologize! He is the one who is dating that thing they call human "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He caught me off guard when he yelled tears came to my eyes threatening to spill over as he continued "just because we date different people doesn't mean we can't be best friends still!" 'Friends' It just replayed in my mind over and over again I knew all along we would never be together but he literally just friend zoned me and I didn't know how to respond and then it came to me as long as we were putting all of our feelings on the table I might as well tell him... "Jason that's just it you go on another date every night and never have a girlfriend just dating buddy's, I want commitment and I am good with that but I don't even think you want to be my friend at all and do you have any idea how awkward it is when I hang out with my friends and all they do is talk about you being such a bad boyfriend to them! Jason you've dated almost all of my friends and I try and stand up for you but it's kinda hard to do when they are right!" Oh.Crud. Where did that come from Jess I ask myself "I'm going to bed" I said before running off to my room. "Oh my god Jess you just ran off your bestfriend" I said out loud once I was alone in my room.

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