Finding my way

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Maybe I shouldn't break up with him, he is so kind and sweet but I feel like we just rushed into this. A week after our first kiss we proclaimed our love for each other. I was never that girl I actually judged those girls who just throw around the four letter word. but at the same time I don't think I said it just to say it, I meant it I still do I love him and would do anything for him , but I don't love him in a romantic way I love him like a brother. Just as I'm thinking over this the coffee shop door opens and Peter walks in.

I stand up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek and a friendly hug. "what's up?" he casually says as I hand him the iced coffee I ordered him before he arrived. "not much I just really feel like we need to talk.." I say the assurance I had earlier is quickly leaving as he flashes his dimpled smile at me. "okay? lets talk" he is always so kind and really the perfect boyfriend, but what's the point if I just don't love him or even like him in that way? "Peter you're an awesome guy, I really love spending time with you getting to know you and I wouldn't trade that time for the world.. but I'm just not sure that..." I can't seem to find the words, I stopped making eye contact after saying what an awesome guy he is. "Jess are you saying you want to slow down? cause I agree we did rush into this whole thing." he says reaching for my hand. is that what I'm saying? its not what I mean.. I look up at him, he is such a gentleman and is trying his best to help ease my stress . I can't drag it out any longer I can't keep him going on false hope. " Peter I'm not saying I want to slow down... I'm saying I think I'm being unfair to you and so I think we should break up" the relief I feel is so over powering I can hardly feel him drop my hand, but I still feel it and the relief is short lived as my heart breaks for the vision of the broken boy in front of me. After several moments of silence which I'm thankful for because it gives me a chance to think over what's just happened, he breaks the silence. "what? what do you mean you're being unfair to me? Jess you have been amazing, faithful loving, I love you. and the reason I said it so early on in our relationship is because I knew when I met you I would fall in love with you," he pauses to wipe the tears from his eyes "and it didn't take much time for me to figure out that i did..." he looks up at me with tear filled eyes and I'm sure mine look the same "that I do." and with those three words I'm already regretting this. but deep deep inside me I know I've done the right thing.

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