Chapter Three

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Miss Baker took Meg and I down to the office, the grounds were streaming with girls. Some looked so flake they were like baby dolls.

I seemed like the only one that wasn't dressed up, "Are you ready Em?" I nodded and went to get in line.

I saw all kinds of girls there big ones, small ones, tall girls, and shirts girls, some wore shirts and pants, others dresses.

I felt so out of place, even among the other sixes, I still looked shabby.

When it was finally my turn, the photographer took my picture and then took my form and looked it over. He smiled and gave me a second form. "Fill this out and you will officially be entered in the selection!" The man said warmly.

"Thank you" I replied.

"No problem" he had already moved onto the next candidate.

I walked over to a small table, picked up a pencil a filled in the form.

Some questions were:

What caste are you from?
What is your home province?
What are your hobbies?

Okay, we've come to a problem, I have no hobbies! All I did was clean all day and sleep at night. So I guess I like to read sometimes.

Sometimes I read.
What is your favorite color?

I don't know why but these questions made no sense at all. What's my favorite color? Really?

So my name again
Ugh, Emmica Rose Waven

Finally I reached the end of the form, What a bore!

I handed my form to a perky blond lady behind the counter, she smiled and said, "The selected will be announced tomorrow, or Friday so watch the report to see if you win!"

"Thank you" I mumble as I walk away.

I found Miss Baker talking to some people in a corner of shade, "You done Em?"

"Yeah, I am now officially entered into the selection for Prince Adam!" Miss Baker could see the excitement in my eyes.

She smiled and hugged me, "Okay, let's go home now!"

I smiled and replied brightly, "Okay"

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