Chapter Seventeen

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Emmica's POV (you know you missed her!)

When Carter storms out of the room, I'm afraid of what he may do to Adam.

My mind is still a little sloppy from not being used for almost two weeks. I'm afraid of Adam now, but I dont want to see he get hurt.

I wheel myself out into the hallway, slowly, clumsily. I'm not sure how I'm gonna get down the stairs, but i'll just go to my room and pack my few belongings.

On the my room I see King Mathew. "King Mathew!"

He turns his head, he's wearing a full blue suit. "Oh hello Lady Emmica, your finally awake, Adam must be happy." He smiles.

"Quite the opposite I'd say. He kicked me out." I say frowning. "I'm worried though."

"About what?"

"Carter and Adam, After Adam left, Carter came back and I told him what happened." I explain. "He said that he'd sort things out."

The kings gaze begins to turn a bit more worried, "So you're afraid that Carter's gonna go and 'set things strait'"

I nod, "Then let's go find them and talk some sense into Carter." Says the king.

I am briskly wheeled down the hallway by King Mathew, he stops at a closet door and pulls out a key.

"Whats this?" I ask.

King Mathew chuckles, "Its the elevator."

We get in the elevator and go to the ground floor, I guess that the infirmary is underground.

"We'll check the garden first, that's where Adam always goes when he's unhappy." I nod.

When we reach the doors to the garden, I see Carter and Adam standing by one of the nice benches they have around the palace.

Then Carter throws a punch, connecting with Adams jaw, knocking him on the ground. "STOP!" I plead, but I know he can't hear me.

"I'll take care of this." Says King Mathew who's rolling up his sleeves of his shirt.

King Mathew runs over to his fighting sons and pulls Carter off and unconscious Adam. I can tell that Carter is resisting but the king is still stronger.

I look around for a guard, and find one a little ways down the hall. I wave at him, "HELP! WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!" I yell at the guard.

He runs over, "How can I help you Miss?"

"Can you please send someone from the infirmary down here?"

"Yes miss, right away." The guard runs off on the direction of the infirmary.

I attempt to wheel myself out on the lawn but cannot move on the grass so I go around to the path.

When I reach the king and princes via the path, Carter looks up at me. I look him dead in the eyes, "Why? Why Carter? I didn't ask for this!"

Carter pulls his eyes away from mine and looks at his twin, unconscious on the ground. "Why are you not in the infirmary?"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm out! I've got to leave by dinner!" I say angrily at Carter. "I was fine with leaving C! I'd get to see my family again! I don't want to be here anymore, he hated me anyways." I look at my hands in my lap.

"You want to leave?" He says hurt. "You want to leave me?"

"Yes Carter. You scared me, you can be so violent. I'm surprised I didn't see it earlier."

He look up, his mouth gaping, "Do you not love me Emmica?"

"I do but if this is who you truly are, Its not who I want to be with." Carter diverts his eyes from mine.

"I'm sorry Emmica." That's all he says.

I look a the king, "I'd like to go home now, please your majesty."

The king nods, "Come son," he says to Carter, king Matthew picks up Adam as the four of is head inside.

"I'll take you to your room" says Carter.

"No, I'll get up there myself."

"Oh, okay" I can hear the sorrow in his voice. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Not if I can help it. But I guess I'll be back when the selections over."

"Goodbye Emmica." Carter says sadly.

"Goodbye Carter." I say in a steely voice.

I wheel myself to the elevator and king Mathew opens the door, Adam still in his arms.

When the elevator stops Adam jumps awake, Brown eyes burning in fear and rage.

He looks around the elevator and sees that he is in his father's arms, "You can put me down now father."

Adam sees me, "I'm so sorry that I got mad at you Emmica, you can stay, I didn't mean what I said." He pauses, "I could never hate you."

I smile at him, "That you for the apology, but I'm leaving."

"Oh, okay. I'll wheel you to your room."

"Thank you Adam."

"Its too bad that you spent two thirds of your time here unconscious and in a coma."

I laugh, "Yeah, I do wish that I could have seen more of the palace."

Adam chuckles, "Well, I'm sure Carter could give you the formal tour when your back in a few weeks for the end of the selection."

I sigh, "I don't know. He scared me, by beating you up."

Adam chuckles, "Carter's done worse to me. He once pushed me down a small flight of stairs when we were five."

I laugh. When we reach my room, I pack my things and Adam takes me down to the front doors, where I call Miss Baker, she is overjoyed that I'm coming home, but not that I've been shot, not once, but twice.

The airplane ride home is silent and when I reach home all I have I boys, boys, boys at the airport to welcome me. They all think they have a shot with me now, but what they don't know is they never will.

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