Chapter Thirteen

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Carter's POV

It's been three days since I was taken out of the safe room, nearly seven since Emmica went into her coma. The doctor said the bullet missed her heart by only half an inch.

I sat by her bedside, hoping for her to wake up, hoping for her eyelids to flutter. Adam tells me she will wake but I'm not so sure.

My leg is in a lovely cast since the bullet hit the bone in my leg and shattered the bone. The doctor said that I'm lucky the bullet didn't hit an artery.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Margot comes into Emmica's infirmary room. "Hi Adam." She says, friendly.

I shake my head, "I'm not Adam, my names Carter."

"Carter?" She seems bewildered for a moment. "Oh yeah! Emmica told me about you, so Adams your identical twin, huh?"

I chuckle, "Yeah, Adams my twin. I'm actually older than he is by about fifteen minutes, but father chose him to be the crown Prince."

She laughs, "So, What happened to your leg? Did you go on another unfortunate adventure?"

I laugh embarrassed, but still angry with myself, "Its my fault," I pause somberly, "that she's like this."

"I'm sure it's not your fault, Carter." Margot says to try to reassure me.

I sigh, "It is though. If I had played more attention to what was going on, she'd be here smiling. Not in a coma, because she took a bullet meant for me."

Margot sighs, "Knowing Em, she did it out of care." Margot gets up and turns around, "Gotta go, dinner time, see you around Carter."

"Bye" I wave.

Margot exits out the door quietly. I take Emmica's hand and hold it. Bringing her hand up to my face. I just hold her hand in mine and cry.

"I'm so sorry Emmica, I'm so sorry I've caused all of this pain." I lay my head on the edge of her bed and cry into the sheets on the bed. I cry myself to sleep.

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