Chapter Eight

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Adam and I have a wonderful evening together, but I end up going back to bed early since my side still hurts. It's hard to be active only three days after you've been shot!

I sleep like a bear when I get back to my room, thinking of not Adam, but Carter.

Carter, who spent hours with me, who risked his life for mine. Not Adam, whom I was here for, who just spent a few minutes with me. I thought of the devastatingly handsome boy, who is called "C" by his brother. Who told me to call him C.

Carter who I feel more connected to, more loyal to. But for my whole life I have dreamed of Prince Adam, the boy on the reports, whose smiles I just seemed were meant for me.

But now I see Prince Carter, a intellectual person among the world of politics. How had he turned out so compassionate?

I remember the first night here, I got shot and carried off by a dashing Prince, What more can a girl ask for?

Ha, I thought to myself, If I have two princes, wouldn't that mean I could choose if they both love me?

A dream for another day. Any Prince coming after me is fine by me!

I drifted to sleep, thinking about princes.

The next morning, I was finally introduced to my maids, there was Elise, Bells and Gracie. They were all medium height girls with light brown hair.

Elise helped me put on my dress, while Gracie and Bells braided my hair and put on my make-up.

I ended up and a sea blue day dress with a deeper floral pattern interweaved. It was beautiful.

Oh gasped, "Thank you so much!"

Gracie nodded, "It's a pleasure to finally have you here miss. We've worried about you when the Prince announced that you'd been shot!"

I laugh, "Well, I can assure you I'm fine now."

The maids smiled and lead me down to the grand room where I guess we were to have breakfast.

The first girl I recognized was Margot Ross from Carolina. It turns out my seat is right next to hers.

I walk over, "Hi" I say cheerfully.

She turns around, her shoulder length Brown hair swishes, "Hi! My name's Margot! I'm glad you're finally here. Um, Emmica, right?"

"Yeah! You got it, that's me." I smile brightly. I'm glad to finally be able to make a friend here.

Margot smiles, "Where have you been the past four days? Nobody has seen you."

"Oh yeah, I was shot, during the first rebel attack, you know?" Margot nods. "Yeah so Prince Carter just happened to be on his way to a safe room and saved me from a rebel."

Margot looked at me bewildered, "Prince Carter?"

Do the other girls really not know about Carter? Is he supposed to be a secret or something? I mean, I'd never heard of him until that first day.

"He's the prince's identical twin," I explain, "He looks just like Prince Adam."

"Oh, so they look like exactly the same?"

I nod beaming.

The rest of breakfast is uneventful....

Except Prince Adam tells us that tonight he will eliminate some girls.

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