the ghost

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Ezra's POV

A small ship appeared above us Hera had come to get us another plan messed up I couldn't stop looking at the other kid they look about my age they had black shoes and dark jeans and a matching sleeveless jean jacket with a blue long sleeve shirt.
''Ezra pay attention.'' Kanan yelled I looked away from the kid as they jumped out of the way we were about to jump on the phantom when I stopped Kanan.
''We can't leave.'' I said
''Why?'' Kanan asked I pointed to the other kid.
''I hate it when your right.'' Kanan said I smiled. ''Zeb get Ezra aboard.'' Zeb pushed me to the phantom as Kanan ran to the other kid.

Your POV

The Jedi ran over to you.
''Come on.'' He said you nodded and followed him to the others the inquisitor threw his light saber it missed you but it cut your cloak really short.
''You OK?'' Asked the Jedi
''Yea.'' You said the inquisitor then knocked you both back.
''I've had in of of this.'' Said the Jedi
''Some here.'' You said you both get up Ezra is aboard the ship safe you hold out your hand the Jedi looks at you your light saber un clips from the inquisitor's belt and into you hand you turn it on the Jedi does the same the women from earlier ran over to you too.
''Sabine get the kid on the phantom.'' He said
''On it.'' She said you run with you shielding the blast as you two ran the Jedi run's behind you the two of you jump on what is called the phantom the Jedi is about to jump on but the inquisitor held him back you use the force to knock the inquisitor back as the Jedi jumped in and you all flew away.
''That was a close one.'' Zeb said
''Thank you.'' Said the Jedi
''No problem.'' You say
''I'm Kanan, this is Hera, sabine, Zeb and Ezra.'' He said the droid complained.
''And hello to you too chopper.'' You said
''You can understand him?'' Sabine asked
''I started learning when I was five.'' You say.
''Who are you?'' Ezra asked
''Ask questions later Ezra.'' Hera called.

Ezra's POV

By the sound of the kids voice their a girl her face was hidden by what's left of her cloak we pull into the ghost we go into the meeting room as Hera sends us into hiperspace Hera comes back and turn to the girl.
''Who are you?'' I asked again.
''I'm surprised you don't recognize my voice Ezra.'' She said turning to me I looked at her in surprised.
''What are you talking about?'' He said she took off what remained of her cloak.
''Do you recognize me now?'' She asked
''Y/N.'' He said
''The one and only.'' She said
''How do you know her?'' Kanan asked they all turned to me I signed.
''She's my twin sister.'' He said zeb started laughing we all gave him a look.
''What it funny.'' He said
''I thought I saw the last of you 2 years ago.'' I said
''Ezra let me explain.'' She said
''No you left us when we were 5 years old.'' I said with anger in my voice.
''I had no choice our parents made me leave and promise to not come back Intel we were older.'' She said
''I don't want you in my life.'' I yelled at her then ran off.

Your POV

''Ezra, Ezra.'' You yell but he was gone you sit back down with you face in your hands.
''Can someone please explain what just happened?'' Zeb asked you look up.
''Ezra's mad at me because when we were 5 years old my father and mother took us to the mountain base were we meet a Jedi they knew I was going to be a Jedi but not Ezra that was the last time I saw my parents.'' You said
''So were is your master?'' Kanan asked you.
''He died on my last day of training.'' You said
''Your done with training?'' Hera asked you nodded. Hera looked at Kanan and gave him a look they whispered a bet then turn to you he put his hand behind his head.
''Would you like to I don't know become part of the crew?'' He asked
''I'd love to.'' You said then you learn that you will be sharing a room with sabine
Ezra finally came out of his room he walked into the cockpit to find all of you talking they stopped when he came in you just got out of hiperspace.
''Y/N I'm sorry I get mad at you its just I haven't seen you in a really long time.'' He said you get up and pulled him into a hug he was surprised at first but hugged you back.
''I'm just glad your OK.'' You said he looks into your E/C eyes and smiled then the ship began to shake.
''They found us.'' Hera called

Ezra's POV

I took my sister by the hand and took her to one of the guns we had on the ship.
''I'll be in the one over there.'' I said handing her a a small walkytalky that can if in your pocket I ran to the other one I sat in the chair I told her how to move and shot she caught on fast.
''Ezra 2 a clock.'' Hera called
''On it.'' I said as I blasted tie fighters I looked over at Y/N she was smiling really big then I felt weird like how i did when we went to get the intell I look at my sister again and her smile faded.
''Specter 6 specter 7 meet me in the cockpit.'' Kanan said I pressed the button that was on the walkytalky.
''Were on our way.'' I said
''Come on.'' Y/N said
''I know a faster way.'' I said she smiled I claimed into the vent I heard her following me.

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now