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Your POV

''No I'm not letting you.'' Ezra said
''Its our only chance.'' You said
''No, no and no again.'' He said
''No Ezra that's a good idea.'' Kanan said
''Did you hit your head they'll see her and recognized her.'' Ezra said
''Then put a tracker on me. Ezra and plus whytt will never let anyone get near me.'' You said
''Why?'' He asked
''Because he promised me.'' You said Ezra turned away from you with his arms folded. You get behind him and placed your head on his shoulder.
''Please.'' You said he looked at you. His eyes were a little more blue then usually he signed.
''Fine but you have to have a tracker.'' He said you tackled hugged him and you both lost balance. You both started laughing as you dit on the floor. You help each other up.
''Together.'' He said holding out his arm.
''Forever.'' You said doing the same you lock hands.
''United.'' You both said moving your arms up and letting go. You all walk out zed has just sat down and waited for his lunch to heat up. Kanan followed you and Ezra onto the woods then you hear voices. You hid behind a tree you see an imperial trooper and a imperial academy student.
''Let's rest here.'' He said taking off his helmet. The boy had tan skin and green eyes his blond hair was neatly cut.
''That's whytt.'' You whispered
''OK go.'' Kanan said
''No I want it to look like I'm in danger.'' You said as Ezra puts the tracked on the inside of you jean jacket.
''How?'' Ezra asked
''If I were you stand back.'' You said as you and ran back to zeb. He had just sat down with a hot bowl of soup.
''Hi zeb.'' You said go in up to him.
''Hey.'' He said looking at you. You make a strait face calm and you held out your hand.
''Your confused.'' You said
''What did you say?'' He asked
''Your confused.'' You tried again.
''I'm confused.'' He said. It worked. You thought
''Your going to dump this bowl of soup on your head.'' You said
''I'm going to dump this bowl of soup on my head.'' He said he did and screamed with pain you laughed.
''Why you little jerk.'' He screamed and chased you. You ran into the woods the way you came as he chased you.
''Get back here.'' He screamed you ran past Ezra and Kanan after zeb ran by they chased the both of you. You jumped out of the clearing were whytt and the trooper was. You fell on the ground before you got there you heard Kanan tell zeb what was going on.
''Get away from me rebels.'' You screamed whytt jumped over the tree trunk and got in front of you. Zed, Kanan, and Ezra stopped as the trooper came.
''Leave her we will get her later.'' Kanan said they turned to you.
''We'll get you.'' Zeb said Ezra looked at you and you winked and they walked off.
Whytt turned to you he couldn't see you face will because your H/L hair was in the way.
''You OK?'' He asked helping you up.
''Yea thanks.'' You said looking at him.
''You look familiar.'' He said
''You do to.'' You said he moved you hair and he's eyes widened.
''Y/N.'' He said
''Whytt.'' He hugged you and you hugged him back.
''Were have you been I was worried about you.'' He said
''The rebels found me and offered me a job on there crew. But I refused and stayed loyal to the empire then they captured me.'' You told him.
''How long have they had you?'' He asked
''A few weeks.'' You said
''Sir do you know her?'' Asked the trooper.
''Yes she is a friend of mine.'' He said
''Nice to meet you miss.'' Said the trooper
''Same.'' You said
''How's Anne?'' He asked your smile faded away you looked away as you started to cry.
''Anne's dead.'' You manage to say.
''Y/N I'm sorry I know she was like a sister to you.'' He said you whipped away the tears.
''Its fine.'' You said
''Come on.'' He said taking your hand you followed him to were they were. There was a small fire with meat cooking over it.
''You hungry?'' He asked you nodded and sat down next to him.

Ezra's POV

''What do you think her idea is?'' I asked Kanan
''I don't know.'' He said we waited for my sister to come back. We jumped when we heard a deep scream.
''That's zeb.'' Kanan said Y/N ran past us and so did zeb we looked at each other and ran after them.
''Zeb we're sending Y/N to get a crystal so don't hurt her.'' Kanan said
''To late for that.'' He said she jumped into a dip.
''Stay away from me rebels.'' She screamed we came into view a young man who must be whytt and a trooper we stopped.
''Leave her we will get her later.'' Kanan said
''We'll get you.'' Zeb said I looked at my sister she winked I followed them back.
''Keep an eye on her Intel she leaves.'' Kanan whispered I nodded and hid behind a boulder they were talking and gave each other a hug. He most have said something because she pulled away and started to cry.
''Come on be strong.'' I whispered
She turned to him he took her hand and walked off I followed them to a small fire were they sat down the trooper walked around as a guard as they talked.
''Specter 6 report.'' Kanan said I graved the wacky.
''Nothing yet.'' I said
''OK come back when they leave.'' He said I didn't say anything. He handed my sister some meat. They laughed and soon packed up they got closer to were I was hiding.
''Do you have anywhere to go?'' Whytt asked her
''No.'' She said
''Will come stay with me. Remember I promised to protect you.'' He said
''Thanks.'' She said they walked off she turned and saw me and gave me a thumps up when they were out of sight I ran off.

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now