helping Kanan

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Kanan's POV

I walked out of my room and the ghost was quiet I lessened and heard laughing outside.
''The twins most be awake.'' I said to my self and made my way outside.
''Hey you cheated!'' I heard Ezra say
''No I didn't.'' Y/N said
''Yes you did.'' He said
''What ever.'' Y/N replayed
''OK how about this.'' Ezra said
''Ezra put me down!'' Y/N said laughing.
''And what are you two doing?'' I asked I heard a loud thump.
''Sorry!'' Ezra said I heard them walking to me.
''Try not to drop your sister next time.'' I said
''Sorry we started training earlier.'' He said I felt a hand go on my shoulder.
''So how our your senses?'' Y/N asked
''I'm getting the hang of it.'' I said putting my hand on hers.
''Says the guy who ran into the ladder the other day.'' Ezra said
''Ezra.'' Y/N snapped
''Can we get started?'' I asked Y/N took her hand off.
''OK its simple use the force to hit the rocks with your light saber.'' She said I grabbed it and turned it on. I focused and moved my saber but I got hit in the head by a pebble.
''That's alright you'll get the hang of it.'' Y/N said I moved my light saber again I heard something hit it.
''That's it keep going!'' Ezra said I moved it again but faster this time. They continued throwing the pebbles then I hit one hard.
''Ouch!'' Ezra yelled

Your POV

You ran over to Ezra who was on the ground the side of his head was bleeding, you knelt next to him.
''Sorry Ezra.'' Kanan said
''That's alright.'' He said you wiped the blood off with your sleeve and helped Ezra up.
''Kanan, Ezra, Y/N come here please!'' Someone called you grabbed kanan's arm but he pushed it away, you smiled and walked next to him, Hera was waiting for you.
''We have a mission.'' She said as you walked in.
''Were two?'' Ezra asked
''On the other side of the outer rim again.'' She said
''Will then let's go.'' You said you helped Kanan up the ladder to the cockpit Hera took off and you were soon in hyperspace. Hera explained the mission and told you and Ezra to stay close to Kanan.
''Here you might need one.'' Hera said handing you an explosive.
''Thanks.'' You said as she handed one too Ezra then walked off, soon the ship landed on an old planet that looked like it was abandoned.
''What is this place?'' Ezra asked
''There is an old base and this is a dwarf planet.'' Hera said
''Oh what's a dwarf planet?'' He asked Kanan started to tell him as Hera landed.
''OK let's review the mission I'll stay here and wait for you to return sabine, zeb, and chopper you go and download the data. Kanan, Ezra, and Y/N go and find any supplies then meet back here at the ship.'' Hera said she opened the door and you all got out.
''This place looks spooky.'' Ezra said with a smile you nodded in agreement.
''Let's go.'' You said walking to the door chopper opened it and there was a trooper inside.
''Hey!'' He yelled pointing his blaster at you. You held out your hand.
''You are confused.'' You said
''I'm confused.'' He said
''You are going to leave your post and tell no one about what you saw.'' You told him.
''I will tell no one about what I saw.'' He said and walked away.
''Nice reaction.'' Sabine said
''Why was there was trooper?'' Ezra asked chopper started freaking out.
''What do you mean the empire sent troops?'' Kanan said
''It means that they are after the same thing.'' Sabine said
''Hera the empire is here go and hide the ghost we will call you when we need a pick up.'' Kanan said
''On it.'' Hera replayed you saw the ghost fly away.
''We need to be careful and meet back here zeb let us know when you have the data.'' Kanan said he nodded and you all separated.

Ezra's POV

I walked on the other side of Kanan Y/N was looking around to make sure no one as following us.
''So now what?'' I asked
''We just need to get to the supply room.'' Y/N said she handed me a small disc I pushed it and a hologram of the base came up.
''This is were we need to go.'' She said pointing
''And this is were we are?'' I asked pointing she nodded and we continue walking we soon made it to the room, no one was inside but by the looks of it the empire had beaten us to them.
''Others nothing here.'' I said
''What?!'' Kanan said
''Its OK we can get them before they leave.'' I said
''That's not a good idea.'' Y/N said
''She's right Ezra let's just get back to the ship.'' Kanan said I signed and we left the room.
''Wait a minute.'' Kanan said we all stopped I looked at him.
''What is it?'' Y/N asked
''Run!'' Kanan said as troopers came around the corner, Y/N grabbed kanan's hand and we ran down the hall.
''I guess its time to use this.'' I said holding out the explosive,
''No Ezra wa....!'' But it was to late she let go of kanan's hand and ran to me as I turned it on and threw it, it got stuck to the ceiling right above Kanan!
''Kanan!'' I yelled as it went off I used the force and pushed him back Y/N jumped to my side and the ceiling collapsed separating us from Kanan.
''Kanan you alright?'' Y/N asked using the waki.
''I'm alright go and get to the ship all meet you there.'' He said
''But how?'' She asked
''Don't worry about me just take care of each other.'' He said

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