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Hera's POV

The droids where ready to attack. I held up my blaster ready to fight.

"Kanan!" I called

"I know I can sence more." He said 

Your POV

You looked at the droids around you it was not a lot, you didn't want to use the light saber on your belt but you needed to you graved it with uneasy hands and turned it on. It glowed red you wanted to throw it away from you but you threw it at the droids and cut there blasters in half, you caught the light saber and turned it off as they ran away realising that you can beat them. You started walking and soon saw over a hundred droids you climbed one of the hills and saw two people fighting the droids, one had a light saber but it was blue. 

Hera's POV

"They just keep comeing." I said kanan was blocking the blasts as I shot the droids. 

"Do we still have the huge boam?" He asked

"Yea its in the phanrom but its to far away." I said 

"Hera run to it and jump I'll push you over there." He said 

"OK." I said I did and he used the force to sent me flying I landed on the ground.

"Hera you alright." Kanan yelled 

"Yea I'm good." I called I ran into the phantom I carefully rolled it out of the phantom. "OK I got it." 

"Now activate it." He yelled I did he then used the force to drag it to him he then jumped really far away, the blast knocked me to the ground when the bust cleared I got up and ran to kanan. 

"Will that went will." He said then he turned around and pulled out his light saber I turned and saw a figure dressed in black they looked like the blast had just them they came closer to us.

"Stop right there." Kanan said  but they keeled coming when they got closer I recognised them, kanan was about to use the force.

"Kanan don't its Y/N." I said she stop a few feet away from us. 

"Kanan?" She said then she fainted. I ran over to her she had a few marks from the blast I saw a scar across her right eye.

"Need to take her back." I said kanan came over and picked her up. "She came in a tie fighter made we can get parts for the hyperdrive." I said

"OK we'll go and get them and head back." He said we went back on the phantom kanan laid her on the floor I found a blanket and put it over her we flew to the tie fighter, after I grabbed the parts we flew off and into hyper space.

"Shc needs to stay in here when we get back." Kanan said

"Why?" I asked

"I don't want Ezra to know we have her." He said 

"OK I'll have chopper watch the phantom when we get back to the ship." I said we soon got there we connected the phantom back to the ghost chopper was waiting for us, he saw Y/N and started to get exited.

Chopper don't let anyone see her expecaly Ezra and come find us when she wakes up." I said he used his little arm to sullot us and we walked off Sabine was now trying to fix the hyperdrive.

"I thought chopper was fixing the hyperdrive." Ezra said he was next to the wall across from us Sabine poked her head out.

"He was but he can't fix it." She said

"Here are the parts you need." I said handing them to her, she took it and went back to work. Me and kanan went back to the cockpit. 

Your POV 

You woke up to find an empty room and a blanket over you, you walked out of the room to find a droid.

"Hi there what's you name?" You asked he started to talk. "Hi chopper nice to meet you, um do you know who brought me here?" You asked he started talking again. "Oh they want me to stay here? OK." You said you walked back into the room and the door closed.

"I that no I know that droid from some where." You said sitting down.

Hera's POV

Chopper came in chattering.

"She's awake?" I asked 

"Let's go." Kanan said we walked back up to the phantom.

"Hera let me talk to her first." Kanan said I nodded and he went in, the door closed behind him.

Your POV

A man soon came into the room he sat across from you.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked

"Um I'm not sure. Are you kanan?" You asked

"Yes I am." He said

"Then you can help me." You said excited

"Help you with what?" He asked

"I don't remember anything before vaber found me." You said

"Let me try something." He said he sat on the floor you sat across from him. "OK now close your eyes and open your mind." He said I did as I was told, after a few minutes he moved.

"Ah I can't do it." He said you opened your eyes. "I need to take you too a friend of mine but for now you need to stay here." He said getting up you sat Back down in the chair. As he left a women came in and sat down next to youany "Hey." She said she was holding what looked like a kit in her lap.

"Um hi." You said

"I'm just going to make sure you don't have any injures." She said when she was done we started to talk a little.

"So how did you get that scar?" She asked

"Training accident. At lessbthats what vaber told me." You said

"I got the hyperdrive fixed!" Someone called

"Don't worry I'll have chopper lock up the phantom we will be landed pretty soon." She said getting up, she left the room.

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