a mine

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Author: hey guys thank you for staying with me threw this book I'm glad you all liked it and I have very exciting news. Ready for it? *pause*
I am Entering this book into this years 2016 Watt's yea. *jump's with joy*.
Please comment. Vote and share with others I would love that. And I'm working on three other story's so I will still be updating I promise. Hope you like this part. Don't forget to comment and vote please. Bye. *smiles really big*.

Ezra's POV

I sat in the phantom waiting for the others to arrive when they did I ran over to them.
''Kanan.'' I called
''Tell me what happened.'' He said I told him about us going in and finding the man and how she pushed me back to save me.
''Come on let's go.'' He said they followed me to the mine I stopped dead in my tracks.
''What is it?'' Kanan asked
''Troopers.'' I said he looked over they were in front of the mine they soon went in.
''Oh no.'' I said
''Come on.'' Kanan said he walked to the entrance of the mine and started down the tunnel.

Your POV

You pulled out your light saber for light you coughed from the dust and turn to the man.
''Are you all right?'' You asked him as you helped him up.
''Thanks to you I am.'' He said
''What were you doing down here?'' You asked
''I was mining materials for a weapon I'm working on.'' He said
''Oh will your safe now.'' You said
''What happened to that young boy before the wall fell?'' He asked
''Oh that was my brother I pushed him out of the way. His getting help right now.'' You said
''How sweet of you to save your brother.'' He said
''Thank you.'' You said
''He most be lucky to have a sister like you.'' He said
''I do anything for my brother so that he's safe.'' You said moving you H/L H/C out of your face.

Ezra's POV

''This way.'' I said the others followed me down the mine. I could feel her getting closer.
''Why did you came down here?'' Kanan asked
''Something was wrong we wanted to help.'' I said we pulled out our light saber's for light.
''Other then that. Ezra how did flying go?'' Hera asked
''We almost ran into trouble but Y/N took care of it.'' I said
''What kind of trouble?'' Hera asked me.
''She made here voice sound deeper and pretended we were the academy.'' I said
''And they bought it?'' Zeb asked I nodded and we continued down deeper into the mine. We soon arrived at the wall of rocks that fell earlier I ran up to it.
''Y/N.'' I called
''Ezra.'' She said I mentioned for Kanan to come.
''Y/N its Kanan are you all right?'' He asked her.
''Yea we're OK.'' She replayed.
''We?'' Kanan asked
''Yea me and the man we found earlier.'' She said the mine shook a little and I few rocks fell.
''This who place is going to collapse.'' Sabine said
''We need to get them out now.'' I said
''Everyone start bigging.'' Kanan said we went up to the wall and did what he told us to do.
''We need more light Kanan and Ezra's light saber's aren't in of.'' Sabine said Zeb pull out his bo-rifle and turned it on before putting it on the ground and more light filled the area.
''Come on keep digging.'' Kanan said soon me and Kanan came to a big rock.
''Zeb some help us.'' I said
''Why can't you use the force?'' He asked
''That is how this happened.'' I said he came over and the three of us pulled the rock we were able to lobe it out of the way I small hole came up in of for me to squeezed through and I saw my sister on the other side.
''Y/N.'' I said
''Ezra.'' She said back.
''Come on let's get out of here.'' I said
''Him first.'' She said

Your POV

Ezra nodded in agreement you helped the man up and he managed to crawl threw the hole and they pulled him out. You put your light saber away and go to the hole. Then the mine starts to shake and some rocks fell.
''Give me your hands.'' Ezra said you did and he pulled you threw as the rocks fell a lot more fell down.
''Let's go.'' Kanan yelled zeb threw the man over his shoulder as Ezra graved your hand and you all ran down the tunnel. A rock landed next to you and you all Ezra pulled you up and graves your hand again.
''Witch way?'' Hera asked
''That way.'' Kanan said all of you ran Intel you made it out side just in tine too the mine had collapsed completely. All of you coughed as the dust cleared away you poked Ezra and pointed in front of you.
''Kanan.'' You and Ezra called at the same time. He looked up and all of you looked at the troopers pointing there guns at you.
''Don't try any thing.'' One of them said you nodded the others got behind you. The troopers tried to blast you but you held out there hands and they were knocked back before they could.
''Let's go.'' You said you ran back to the phantom Ezra ran past you and into the seat. He started the phantom as the others got on the ghost.
''Follow close behind.'' Hera said
''Got it.'' Ezra said as you all took off you sat down in one of the other seats and strapped your self in. You were soon in space.
''OK Ezra put the phantom back. Carefully.'' Hera said he did and went down the meet the others.
''So who are you?'' You asked the man
''My name is Ravi. I make weapons but I hide them from the empire if they get a hold of those they will even be more dangerous.'' He said
''What kind of weapons?'' Ezra asked
''Blasters and explosives.'' Ravi said.

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now