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Your POV

You watched as Ahsoka, Ezra and Kanan got into the phantom with chopper on top.
''Y/N.'' Kanan called
''Yea?'' You asked
''May the force be with you.'' He said
''And you.'' You said and with that they left you started walking to the ship you needed to be on when Hera called you.
''Here and stay safe.'' She said handing you the crystal.
''Thanks.'' You said and left on the ship you went to the command room.
''We ready to go?'' Asked the commander the commander was wearing what the imperial commander's wear you nodded and took off.
''This shipment shouldn't take that long.'' You said
''We should be in and out.'' He said
''That's good.'' You said

Ezra's POV

''Once we drop out of hyperspace, we'll be going dark.'' I heard Ahsoka say
''Are you sure about this?'' Rex asked
''Yes.'' She said
''Ahsoka, you don't have to go to Malachor alone. I could be there in two rotations.'' He said
''I'm not alone, Rex.'' She said
''You know, I could have ordered you to take me along.'' He said
''You don't exactly outrank me anymore.'' Ahsoka said
'In my book, experience outranks everything.'' Rex said
''Hmm, then I definitely outrank you.'' She replayed
''May the Force be with you.'' He said soon after that Ahsoka came over t me and Kanan.
''Why is Rex so worried? Uh, what does he know that I don't?'' I asked her
''Malachor has always been off-limits to Jedi.'' Kanan said
''Why?'' I asked
''Old legends. Stories told to us as younglings in the temple.'' Kanan said
''There's always a bit of truth in legends.'' Ahsoka said
''If Malachor is off limits, why would Master Yoda send us here?'' I asked
''I don't know, but I trust Master Yoda. There's something here for us.'' He said
''Yeah, something to help us stop the Inquisitors.'' I said
''Knowledge.'' Was Ahsoka's only replay.

Your POV

''We're almost there.'' Said the commander
''OK so far so good.'' You said when you came out of hiperspace you saw two star destroyers.
''Looks like the empire were waiting for us.'' You said
''Prepare the fighters.'' Said the commander
''Wait why not have a droid fool there scans?'' You asked
''Will try it.'' Said the commander one of the other people on the ship handed you a red robe you put it on and pulled the hood over your head.
''We're ready to enter.'' Someone said then a hologram came up of agent kallus.
''State your business.'' He said
''We are here to drop off supplies.'' Said the commander
''Very will I will meet you at the landing dock.'' He said and the image went away.
''Great if agent kallus sees me we're goners.'' You said
''Then we need to find a way to sneak you off the ship.'' He said
''And those blasters the base here needs them.'' You said
''you can't use a fighter that will be to noticeable.'' He said
''Maybe I can go threw the sewers.'' You said
''They are empty at this time.'' He said
''And it won't be the first time I went threw the sewers.'' You replayed the commander looked at you.
''If you knew me and Ezra you would know why.'' You said the closer you got the more worried you were you went to the door and grabbed the crates a droid has to come with you when the doors opened you and some other people took the crates out as the commander talked with agent kallus. You made it to were you could open a place to enter the sewers the droid opened it and went inside the others helped you put the crates in before they got in as will the door closed it was a little dark.
You pulled out your light saber and turned it on the droid complained.
''Follow the droid.'' You said

Ezra's POV

''What are these things?'' I asked when we walked away from the phantom
''This writing. It's in the old tongue.'' Ahsoka said
''Can you read it?'' Kanan asked
''I can try. It's a very old form, I can only make out a few words.'' She said I wasn't paying attention I went over and put my hand on it.
''No! Ezra, don't!'' Ahsoka said it turned red and we screamed as we fell threw the ground when we laded on the ground we got up.
''What is that?'' I asked
''A Sith temple.'' Ahsoka said we started walking to it when chopper said something
''Oh, we might fall through the surface? Thanks for the warning, Chop.'' I said
''Any fix on that ship yet?'' Kanan asked him chopper replayed
''He's picked up the trail. This way.'' Kanan said and we followed him.
''I bet whatever we're looking for is inside that Temple.'' I said
''Seems likely.'' Kanan said

Your POV

You and the others finally made it close to the base you help get the crates out and walked the rest of the way there.
''They've come.'' Someone called multiple people came out to greet you the leader of that base came up to you.
''Thank you so much for your help.'' He said you pulled off your hood he looked at you confused.
''My name is Y/N Bridger I'm with the ghost in the main gate we have brought the supplies you need.'' You said
''A Jedi master here? We are honored to be in your presents.'' He said he led you inside the base the others followed behind you.
''And how long will you be here?'' He asked
''For a while our commander that brought us here will contact us when its safe.'' You said
''Will then you can use this empty room we've had for a while.'' He said showing you. You went in and closed he door the crystal began to glow you took it out of your jacket.
''I wonder.'' You said walking to the middle of the room you placed it one the floor you got on your knees in front of it and closed your eyes it began to float and then you saw Ezra.

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