Inquisitor's light saber

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Ezra's POV

I looked at the light saber my sister held in her hands she turned it over and over again.
''Why would you take that?'' Hera asked
''She threw it at me and I just happened to caught it.'' Y/N said
''Will I beat it brings bad luck.'' Zeb said
''Come on zeb that's not true.'' I said
''Still we need to rid of it.'' Kanan said
''Fine.'' Y/N said
''Come on we have to go anyways.'' Hera said
''Hey Y/N come here really quick.'' Zeb said my sister walked over to him he grabbed her and quickly pulled her under his arm and held her there tight.
''Zeb come on.'' Sabine called
''Fine.'' He said releasing my sister and she stumbled forward I caught her. We ran unto the ghost and Hera took off we went into the cockpit were everyone was waiting. We went into hiperspace chopper came in saying something.
''Chopper no one wants you to shock them.'' Y/N said she turned around again then he went up to her and shocked her.
''Chopper!'' She cried he wheeled away as fast he could she chased after him.
''So were are we going?'' I asked
''An old imperial base that is were we are getting some more supplies and were Y/N is leavening that light saber.'' Hera said
''OK.'' I said
''Oh but you won't be able to breath so you need your masks.'' She said
''Y/N is ready for her to use the one she gave me.'' Sabine said
''OK I'll go find her.'' I said and ran off I heard a crash I ran to it to find my sister on the floor next to a fallen crate with chopper next to her.
''Chopper!'' I said he wheeled away complaining.
''Who are you calling a bucket head when you are one.'' Y/N yelled I helped her up.
''Go and get your helmet you will be needing it.'' I said
''OK but first I need that light saber.'' She said
''You lost it?!'' I said
''No chopper has it.'' She said we ran after him soon found him holding the light saber.
''Chopper give it back.'' I said he said something.
''Chopper now.'' Y/N said he tried to wheel away but my sister held out her hand and he stayed were he was I ran over to him and grabbed it she realised him when I got to her.
''Now let's get that helmet.'' She said when i handed her the light saber which she clipped to her side.

Your POV

You and Ezra meet Kanan and sabine you each put on your helmets chopper came up.
''No chopper you can't come you need to stay to help Hera.'' Kanan said he complained.
''Chopper just do it.'' He said chopper wheeled away Hera opened the door and you all jump out sabine grabbed kanan's hand you were falling next to Ezra. Kanan used the force to slow down his and Sabine's fall you did the same and landed next them Ezra tried he got it then ended up hitting a wall.
''I'm OK.'' He said
''We need to keep working on that.'' Kanan said
''Yea.'' Ezra said you helped him up and you all go into the base.
''I can see why we need the masks.'' You said there were large chunks of the base missing.
''Ezra go with your sister and get rid of that light saber.'' Kanan said
''Got it.'' He said the both of you ran off.
''Let's take it to the other side of the base just in case.'' You said
''That's a good idea.'' Ezra said.
''Hey maybe we might find the supplies.'' You said
''Yea hey can you show me how you held chopper in place?'' He asked
''A little later I promise.'' You said
''Fine.'' He said you made it to the end of the base the ground had big chunks of metal and rocks.
''Hurry up so we can get out of here.'' He said the both of you found a place to put it the both of you were about to leave when you almost got hit by blasts you saw a single tie.
''Inquisitor.'' You said
''I'll tell Kanan.'' Ezra said
''No if any thing happens he needs to get here at the right moment I'll deal with the inquisitor just be careful.'' You said he nodded and hid behind one of the metal chunks on the ground the inquisitor came out of the tie she faced you her mask came off.
''Were is it?'' She asked
''As you can see I don't have it.'' You said
''Then I will find it.'' She said a few of her droids went around you walked away from were Ezra was hiding.
''How did you even find me?'' You asked
''I have my ways.'' She said using the force she sent two of the metals around you and sealed it tight. You pulled out your light saber and with it you cut a hole into the back and got out you snook behind a bolder a droid found her light saber and handed it to her as she walked to the metal ball you went very quietly behind her.
''My master will be very pleased.'' She said
''And how if I'm not in there.'' You said knocking her back. She got up and turned on her light saber she came at you. You blocked her and pushed her back.
''Your strong.'' She said
''Strong in of to defeat you?'' You said she pushed you back you landed on your feet.
''Not yet.'' She said she held out her hand and you couldn't move.
''Ezra!'' You screamed in your mind.
''I have you now.'' She said then she realised you she just stood there from behind her Ezra stood with both of his hands out you ran to him.
''Not bad for your first time.'' You said you knocked her back which gave you in of time to run back to the others.
''We need to go now.'' Ezra said when you saw them.
''Will we just got the supplies is something wrong?'' Kanan asked
''Let's say inquisitor problem.'' You said
''On now.'' He said you helped take in a crate and got on Ezra stood next to you as you too off.

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