Chapter 13 || Griever

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A smirk tugged at my lips as I looked down at Minho, who glared at my amused expression. "I can't believe your sick." I started and he groaned shifting in his bed. "Yeah well, even in the Glade we can get sick. Some food poisoning or something." He replied and I shook my head. "Well, I'll be fine out in the Maze by myself." I said all ready to go into the maze. Minho shook his head and I furrowed my brow waiting for him to continue. "No, you're going with Ben..." I froze tilting my head in confusion.

"What? I can go by myself I'm fine!" My voice rose slightly as I felt anger build up in my chest. "You still don't trust me to be out there by myself?" I crossed my arms letting him explain. "It's not that, Nicole. Those orders aren't coming from me." He raised his eyebrows giving me more information in a look. I clenched my fists and groaned. "Alby! Are you serious! He still doesn't trust that I'm not working with those shuck Creators?" I groaned turning away running my hands through my hair. "This is stupid! What would I even do to sabotage you guys in the Maze!"

I heard Minho click his tongue from behind me and I turned back around with a sigh. "It's been almost two months since I arrived in that box. And it feels like nothing has changed." Minho went to say something but stopped and I shook my head. "I guess I'll go find Ben then." Without waiting for a response, I walked out of the room and down the stairs of the Homestead.

It ended up being easy to find Ben since he was waiting for me at the doors. "Hey." He grinned at me and I felt myself smile as well. Over the past two months,  I had became pretty good friends with Ben. At first, he was pretty suspicious of me at first, but eventually he understood as well that Gally was a crazy person whose opinions were way out there.

"You're not going to try and kill me are you?" A mischievous look twinkled in his eyes and I rolled mine. "Don't even start. Apparently everyone still thinks I'm a creator shank." He chuckled strapping on his backpack. "You obviously had a great start to your day." He said sarcastically and I snorted. "Yeah... Great day so far."
For the first half of the day, I lead the way through the Maze, memorizing each of its turns and twists. I kept thinking about my conversation with Minho this morning, how I was still thought of as untrustworthy, even after being here for two months, and doing all that I could to prove myself. It angered me to be honest, made me want to punch something.

"Nicole!" I heard someone yell, far behind me. I skidded to a stop and turned around surprised to see Ben several yards behind me, trying to catch up. I waited for him to get close before I finally spoke. "Why were you so far back!?" He gave me a shocked look. "Are you kidding me? You just randomly took off running faster than I've ever seen you run!" I sighed closing my eyes and running a hand through my hair.

"Sorry, I guess I just got wrapped up in my thoughts." Opening up my eyes I saw Ben giving him me a weird look. "What's going on with you today?" I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked  shaking my head. Ben crossed his arms. "This morning, you weren't doing well, and then now as well...something is bothering you." I opened my mouth and began to shake my head when Ben stopped me. "Don't lie to me."

I looked up at him surprised and groaned. "I just hate that I'm still the outsider, the one that no one trusts. I know I'm the only girl, and that's different... But I didn't ask to be in this position! And I just want to be treated like anyone else!" I found myself yelling the last 2 sentences causing Ben to raise his eyebrows. "I think you would actually be surprised how many people do trust you." I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Well, they need to do a better job of showing it." I adjusted the straps of my belt and Ben sighed. "Many of them just don't know how to act around you still, they've never been in this situation before."

Sudden sounds of metallic scraping and screeching broke through the air and I swiftly turned around. "What was that?" I gasped listening to the odd noises. "I don't..." Before Ben could continue I ran down the rest of the corridor heading towards the corner. "Nicole!" He yelled running after me.

Whipping around the corner I immediately screamed as I came face to face with a Griever. It let out its ear piercing screech and opened it's scorpion like tail/claw. My eyes widened, but I was frozen with fear, as I watched the claw lunge towards me. "Nicole!" At the last second I was pushed out of the way, and landed on wrist. I groaned pain shooting through my arm but quickly my attention was redirected when I heard Ben scream out.

I immediately rolled around to see the griever had Ben pinned to the ground, who struggled to no avail. I jumped to my feet feeling a sudden rush of a stabbing headache, I quickly shook it off knowing I had to do something to help Ben. I went to grab my knife with my left hand but gasped at the pain.

Using my right hand I grabbed my knife, never taking my eyes off the Griever. I saw a needle coming from its slug like body, towards Ben, who struggled even harder. I bit down on my lip as I aimed my knife. I only had one shot before it was too late, before the Griever stung him.

Suddenly panic over took my body and my hands began to shake. I didn't know if I could do it. I knew I was skilled enough, I had done knife throwing before, but for some reason, I froze.

Hearing Ben scream again snapped me out of my trance. Pulling my arm back, I took a deep breath and let the knife fly. It seemed like time slowed as I watched the blade sail through the air. I must have stopped breathing as my eyes widened.

The same moment the knife hit the Griever, was the exact moment the needle punctured Ben's skin. The griever reared back squealing in pain. Ben screamed out as well, and I felt myself cry out realizing what happened. The griever, clearly injured, turned and started quickly going down another corridor. I watched it, making sure it was really gone before I ran to Ben.

"Ben!" I yelled dropping to my knees next to him. His skin was turning a sickly green shade, his veins popping up. "No no no no..." I whispered tears beginning to build up in my eyes as I looked around trying to come up with what to do.

"Nicole..." I gasped looking down at Ben who was barely conscious. "You..." Before he could even finish he passed out and I groaned closing my eyes. "What am I supposed to do?" I whispered weighing my options. I looked at my watch realizing how hard it would be to make it back with Ben before the doors closed.

For one terrifying moment, I wondered if maybe I should just leave him, assure my own safety, I quickly shook off the thought and stood up. "I'm not letting you die Ben."
The longer I pulled Ben through the Maze the more distressed I got. Tears streamed down my face as I fell for probably the 50th time from the momentum of pulling Ben. I sobbed and stood back up grabbing the unconscious runner again. "Come on, I can do this. Not much farther."

The fact my wrist was injured as well, made the whole process 10 times harder, and I was in an incredible amount of pain by the time I was almost there.

I kept trudging forward and glanced at my watch without stopping. I made an audible groan as I realized how little time I had left to get to the Glade. As I turned another corner a sob escaped my mouth as I finally saw the doors.

I quickened my pace with Ben in tow, tears building in my eyes, from both relief and frustration over this whole situation. I looked back at Ben and sighed. "Don't worry, shank. We're almost there. We'll get you the serum."

I literally fell through the doors and dragged Ben the rest of the way from the ground before I collapsing and grabbing my wrist gasping in pain. "Nicole!" I looked up and saw Newt running towards me. "Med-Jack. We need a Med-jack, Ben's been stung." I called to him, my voice sounding weak and strained. "Are you ok?" He asked quickly and I sighed but nodded. "I will be. Just get him help." Newt quickly ran to get a med-jack.

It didn't take very long for 2 med-jacks Clint and Jeff to arrive, following Newt. I tried to sit up, but my body was in too much pain, so I just continued to lay there. "Are you injured, too?" Newt asked coming over to me first while the Med-jacks went to Ben. "I..." My voice cracked as I tried to speak and I closed my eyes. "Are you ok?" Newt asked concern laced in his voice and I opened my eyes and just barely shook my head. I wasn't ok. It was my fault that Ben had been stung.

Suddenly I was being lifted up and I realized Newt was carrying me. "You... You don't have to." I said surprised and he shook his head. "I don't think you would have gotten up if I left you there." I opened my mouth to respond but remembered how exhausted  I actually was. "Whatever... But only this one time" I mumbled slumping against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heart beat lulling me to sleep.

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