Chapter 28 || Coma Part 1

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A sigh slipped through Newt's lips as he stared at Nicole's unconscious body, through her partially opened bedroom door. The rising and falling of her chest being the only indication she was even alive. He clenched his fists by his side, seeing her like this being a constant reminder her that he couldn't do anything to help her.

The creak of the door being fully opened, made Jeff turn around to look at Newt who stepped into the room. "Hey, man." He said standing up from the chair next to Nicole's bedside and meeting Newt in the middle of the room.

"Any change?" It was the same question he asked everyday since she had slipped into the coma, and still the answer was always the same. "No, she hasn't moved from that position. No twitches, movement, sounds, and definitely no words."

Newt's eyes shifted from Jeff to the blank notebook on the bedside table. He sighed crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe it's time to come to the conclusion that she's not going to say or do anything. She wasn't like that other girl who would mumble in her sleep. There's nothing for us to monitor here."

Newt defiantly shook his blond tresses. "You and Clint have to keep monitoring her. We don't know if or when she could suddenly say something." Jeff's eyebrows pulled together. "Why is it that you're hoping for her to say? What's so important that you won't let any of the other medjacks watch her?"

Maybe it was because the last thing she told him before she slipped into a coma 2 days ago, was the fact she knew how to escape the maze. He had to hold on that maybe at some point she would say anything that would help them, and he couldn't entrust that information to just anyone.

"Don't worry about it." He mumbled after a moment of contemplating his response. He didn't want to give too much away, even though he in all honesty didn't know much either. And at this point, he didn't want to get anyone's hopes up, when there was such a high chance that they could be dashed.


Chuck's voice shook with fear, his light brown eyes pointed up at the concrete gray sky. "What do you think it all means?" Thomas, who stood beside him, shook his head unnaturally calm. "Nothing good, I'm sure."

"This makes me wish even more that Nicole was awake." Thomas immediately looked at Chuck, while the younger boy continued to stare into the dull sky. "She would probably say something sarcastic, or make a joke about Gally, get me to laugh and get my mind off of whatever is going on here." A smile tugged at the corner of Thomas' lips.

"Yeah, that sounds like her." He paused studying Chuck for a moment. "You two are pretty close, huh?" The curly headed glader finally looked at Thomas and nodded. "Yeah, she's like the big sister I've never had... Or at least I don't know if I ever had one. Anyway, Nicole was the one that helped me when I first came. She went out of her way to make me comfortable and at home. Ever since, we've been close..."

Chuck looked down, kicking at some gravel. With everything going to klunk, he wanted to be around the one person who always made him feel like everything would be ok.

The sound of approaching footsteps turned the two boys heads. "Well, what a way to start the day." Newt said before he had stopped in front of them. "How's Nicole?" Thomas, ignoring Newt's statement, asked abruptly.

"No change. It's been 3 days and there has been zero indication of her waking up anytime soon. She's so silent, so still, like she's..."
"Dead?" Chuck finished, his voice wavering.

Thomas couldn't help but agree. He had gone up to see her a couple of times. He saw how pale her skin was, and how she was completely unmoving. He would have thought she was dead, if it wasn't for her breathing. Yet even her breathing was slow, and her heartbeat weak. It scared him to even dwell on the thought, but he wondered if she would ever wake up.

Thomas put a hand on the smaller boys shoulder, putting on his most reassuring smile. "Don't worry Chuck, she'll be making all of her sarcastic comments soon."

Newt watched Thomas for a few moments before speaking up. "You seem to already care about her." Thomas looked over at Newt surprised, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"I... I guess I never thought about it. I mean we survived the maze together... But I don't know, I feel like a weird connection to her. Like I used to know her or something." He shrugged.

"Well according to Nicole, you did know her." Thomas' eyes widened and he took a surprised step forward. "What do you mean?" All of the flashbacks and dreams that Nicole told him, swirled around in Newt's mind. He was confused knowing so little about them, he could only imagine the strain it put on her brain.

"Ever since, she arrived her to us, she's had dreams, and these flashbacks. She put together, that all her dreams were from her the gap month between when she was in her Glade, and when she woke up in the box here. You, we're a recurring character ever since you showed up."

Thomas blinked, his lips parting to stare at Newt in complete shock. Several different emotions clouded his mind, rendering his speechless for the time being. Ben, Gally, and Alby all said that they had seen him. And because of it, they held hate and distrust for him. And now he discovers that Nicole had recognized him, but treated him like anyone else around here. Could it be that she actually saw something good in those dreams about him, unlike everyone else?

"I didn't know that." Chuck piped up and Newt shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "She only told me recently, and it's been going on since she got here."

"What did she say about me?" Thomas interjected, regaining his voice."You were working for the people that put us here." Thomas' heart sunk. He had hoped it was all a misunderstanding, jumbled memories from the changing that put him in a bad light but now...

"But, she... She never let on that she knew." He stuttered, unsure how to respond. "She wanted to give you a chance. There was a reason you were sent here, and she didn't believe it was to sabotage us or whatever the others are thinking. She wanted to learn who you were for herself... Just before she passed out 3 days ago, she told me she had another dream about you. That you were telling her how to escape the Maze. I think that says you're on our side... But even before that, she trusted you. I think she decided that when you were trapped in the Maze together."

Thomas' heart swelled, the corners of his lips tugging into a small smile. All that he had heard from Gally, Ben, and Alby made him believe that he was a horrible person, but hearing what Nicole had said about him, it gave him hope that he wasn't what everyone thought he was.

"Wait a second!" Chuck exclaimed. "Nicole saw in her dream how to escape the Maze?" Newt breathed a laugh placing his hands on his hips. "That's what she told me. And I don't know how much she knows. That's why I'm having Clint and Jeff having rotations for keeping watch over her, just in case she says something. Can't let anybody hear it. I don't trust all of them...."

"Hey Thomas we got to go. We're already late." Minho clapped a hand on Thomas's shoulder as he joined the three. "You're still going in?" Chuck piped up looking between the two runners.

"Well yeah! We need to go out there now more than ever. We've all heard it enough already, everything is changing."

A/N: Ahhh and here we are again! I always say that the next part will come quicker and it's always at least a month later... Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this part not in Nicole's POV! Don't forget to vote, and comment, it makes my day to hear your feedback!
And for real, the next part will be up really really soon! I'm almost finished writing it so seriously really soon!

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