We are one Forever

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Tris POV

Running through the halls of the emergency wing, I pass sobbing families. I pass women crashing to the floor, falling on their knees after getting the news. And I can't help but think that that could be me in the near future.

Tobias had been over seas for four months, keeping in touch constantly though letters. He was so happy to be serving his country, finally content with his life. Then one day... everything blew up. Literally.

Doctors and nurses push through to get to their agonizing patients, some with injuries that are unbelievable. Blood and black ashes tracing the floors in sections, the screams of men in pain. Screams of women finding out that they are now widows, and screams of the people in charge- yelling to get more space for the men coming in.

The front door is propped open for all the newly beat up soldiers, and nurses trying to get them in without hurting them worse.

It's hell here. It really is, everywhere you turn there's pain. There's loss. And no one has hope to hold on to, because in hell... all hope is lost.

"Tobias Eaton!" I yell to the frantic people at the desk, when I reach them.

"Please, where is he?" I cry.

Tobias turned twenty-five the month before he left. And in a way, the letter saying that they were sending him was his birthday present. But finding out that he was going to have either a son or daughter was his bigger present.

I'm six months pregnant as I stand here, wondering if my fiancé made it. If he will live and come home to us.

"Room 60." The woman tells me and I take off before she can say anything else.

Tobias was so excited to be a father; the opportunity to have a girl to spoil and love to death, or a boy to follow in his footsteps. I never got to tell him in the letters... But he was going to get the chance with both. That's right; twins. A healthy baby boy and girl.

I get to his door, which is already open. When I see doctors and nurses swarming around his bedside, and the glimpse of his crimson blood soaking through bandages- I sink to the ground.

"Tris?" I hear a hoarse voice and I look up, with tears clouding my vision. "Tobias." I breathe and walk over to him.

The people in the room continue to work, but take a few steps back for me.

"Wow. Our baby." He says reaching a hand to my stomach. He had never got to see my huge belly until now, showing that our babies were really in there.

Cuts and dried blood outline his face, and blood soaked bandages cover his chest and left leg. Bruises beginning to show up all over him, shadowing him in purples and blues.

"Babies." I correct him, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"What?" "A girl and a boy." I whisper, doing the best I can not to break down.

That makes my tough and strong man cry even harder, having a hard time catching his breath in-between. "Shh, just breathe." I whisper, bending to be at his level.

"Tris. Tell them about me, all my good deeds. But all my faults too." Tobias says gulping, and starting to tremble. His body's been through trauma; which means anything could be happening inside him right now.

"Don't say things like that." I say crying my own tears, and touching his cheek with my finger tips.

"Tell.. Them... I love them. That daddy loved them and mommy so very much." He coughs out, chocking on his words and tears spilling out.

"No. No, you're going to tell them. It'll be you telling them love." I say grasping his hand, just as he slips.

Slips out of my reach, out of anyone's reach. And slips out of life.

Three months later I gave birth to our children. A beautiful baby boy; who I named Tobias Michael Eaton-in honor of his father. And our gorgeous girl; who I named Bliss Rose Eaton. A name Tobias always loved, and meaning joy.

I tell them about him every day. Answering the questions they ask, and the curiosities they hold. I tell them all the great things about their father, but all the slip ups as well- just like Tobias wanted. I tell them all about the love we shared, the stories of our life together.

And I feel him here. Everyday. Watching his children grow, and enjoy life. Even if their daddy can't be by their side; he's in their hearts. And he'll always be imprinted in mine.

We were one before, and we'll always be one. Forever.

A/N: Hey All!! I know it was a little short and sad... but I hope you'll keep reading them!! Oh and check out the music video, I'm in love with the song! Luv to all! ❤️

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