Lights Down Low-- Part 1

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Tris POV

"Should we go out for dinner, we have barely anything in the refrigerator." I tell Tobias, who's sitting on the couch watching some sports game, while I pick up all the papers cluttering the coffee table.

"Why don't we just stay home." Tobias says, turning to look at me. Throwing the junk mail away, I walk over to sit beside him. Or rather on his lap.

"Home huh??" I joke.

"Yeah, I mean we can watch some old movies or just listen to the radio. We don't have to do anything big." Tobias says, making me look down at him as he speaks, with a smile appearing on my face.

"Okay." I say, leaning my head on top of his. Smelling the mix of soap, shampoo, and a hint of cologne.

We sit there, the TV playing in the background, but neither of us are really listening to it anymore.

One of the picture frames we have on our mantel catches my eyes, making me get up and look at it.

It's a picture of us in our backyard from two years ago, we were supposed to be racking when we started rolling around and throwing leaves at each other. Our neighbor took a picture of us for us, surrounded by fall colors and leaves in our hair. But smiles on our faces, and love in our hearts.

"I love that picture." Tobias says, walking up behind me. He must've turned the game off.

I feel his arms snake around my waist, holding me against him.

"I loved that day." I whisper, staring at how happy we were.

Tobias and I have been together for seven years, we've been through hardships. A few break ups, but we couldn't stay apart for long. It's like we couldn't survive without each other.

"Come here." Tobias says, pulling me away from the mantel and towards our old fashioned radio that we love.

"What are you up to mister?" I ask him, taking his hand.

"Let's dance." Is what he responds with. And for a reason I don't know, it surprises me. It's almost nine at night, we're both barefoot, and all I'm wearing is his long college t-shirt.

But that's how we are I guess, spontaneous and ourselves.

"The last time we danced was prom." I say, giving him a look.

Tobias chuckles lightly, "Actually, we danced on our fifth anniversary. It was raining outside so I pulled you into that dinner, they had a jukebox in there." Tobias says making us both relive the memory.

I wrap my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his tan skin. His arms snake around me again, pulling me into him. Looking up I see him looking down at me with his bright blue eyes, the ones I feel in love with the day I met him.

"I love you." I whisper, as the radio plays softly. The room is dim, only lit up by the few lamps in here.

"I love you too." Tobias says, and something feels different all off a sudden. Something with him, he looks nervous for some reason. After all these years I can tell what he's feeling even before he knows.

"You okay?" I ask, and he nods with a slight smile.

"I like this." Tobias says, twirling me making me laugh. Throwing my head back ,but never letting go of his hands.

As he pulls me back to him, he let's go of my hands, and bends down. On one knee, he holds a navy box up, that holds a sparkling silver ring. One with a heart shaped diamond in the middle.

"I like this, and never want the feeling I have right now to go away. Will you marry me?" Tobias asks, and I uncover my mouth that I slapped my hands over.

"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" I squeal, jumping into his arms, which knocks us both on the hardwood floor.

Laughing, and laying on top of each other, Tobias slips the ring on me. And the feeling... the feeling is indescribable.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing him passionately.

All this on a warm summer night, in the dark living room, with the radio playing as we danced together. We got a new memory and a new day to remember forever.

"You and me were sitting in the kitchen

6 PM, should I make a reservation?

No, let's stay home

Cause I'm good with pancakes for dinner

I'm in your t-shirt and we're playing Lynyrd Skynyrd

Oh, let's stay home

Baby turn the lights down low

We ain't got no place to go

Turn on the stereo

Barefoot, dance with me now, dance with me now"

A/N: I decided to make a two parter one shot. And I found this song and was inspired. :)

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