Never Forget You

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I walk out, slamming the door as hard as I can. Pausing at the end of the hallway, I take a deep breath. I love the girl, but this I hadn't seen coming. And I just need to walk away to think this through.

"No!" She cried as my hand touched the door handle. "No, you can't leave me like this. You can't leave me right now Tobias!" She screams, begging for me not to walk out that door.

But I did. It was wrong, I know. But I need to process things at my pace, not hers. And that's something she just doesn't understand.

"Please." She says, tears staining her face as I look back once more. "Stay. Don't run."

But that's what I did. Maybe it makes me a coward that I ran, maybe it makes me less than a man. But I needed to be away from all of it, just as I collected my thoughts.

As I walk down the sidewalk, the November wind chilling my fingers and face, fear and regret begin to kick in.

What if she wouldn't be there when I come back, what if this was a test and I just failed.

Why did I run? I keep asking myself that but no reasonable answer pops up.

"I'm never leaving you, I'm never going to forget you. I'm always going to be by your side." I promised her, months ago.

And like so many over the three years we've been together, I broke that promise. With all the times I've made mistakes, and broke my word and destroyed our trust, I'm surprised she hasn't left me.

I sit on a park bench, knowing that I was an idiot for leaving her, especially in that state. She was a mess and I just walked out on her, as if I didn't even care.

I've fought for her, showed her my endless love for her, I've always been there. But maybe that's what I see. Maybe when it really comes down to it, I haven't been there. I haven't fought hard enough, I haven't showed her enough that I love her with everything I have.

The next thing I know, I'm staring at our apartment door. Searching for the courage to go back in there, to face her.

I open the door slowly and walk in. There's a silence in the apartment, a mix of peaceful and ominous.

I walk into the bedroom, where Tris is curled up in bed. Her eyes closed and her breaths slow, she's clutching a picture frame. A photo of us the day I gave her that small diamond promise ring, sits in the frame.

I sigh softly and take my shoes and sweatshirt off. Sitting on the bed beside her, looking at how beautiful she is. Inside and out, and then me. A man broken and wrong inside and out.

"Tobias?" A groggy voice asks, and I see Tris opening her eyes a bit.

They're red and bloodshot due to all her tears, and that makes the guilt build inside me.

"Hey baby." I whisper, taking one of her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry." I say, and instead of the anger or coldness I'm expecting, I'm being brought into a warm embrace.

"I love you." Tris says, the wetness of her new found tears seeping onto my neck.

"I love you too love, and I'm sorry I ran out." I say pulling back, to look into her sparkling eyes.

"Are you going to stay?" Tris asks, grasping my hands, not wanting to let me go.

"Of course. I love you and that baby inside you." I say, with a genuine smile.

Tris hugs me again, closer than before. As if she's afraid someone will snatch me from her.

"I'll always be by your side, and I'll love you and this child till the day I die." I say, whispering it softly in her ear.

I can feel Tris's smile grow and I close my eyes, taking in this moment.

Never wanting to let it go, and never wanting to forget.

A/N: Not my best... But I love this song!!!!!

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