Love in the Dark

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Tris POV

Walking to our place- a bench overlooking the river- I feel the spring night breeze blow through my hair. Sending chills up my arms and making me glad I'm wearing a jacket over my dress.

When I get closer I see that Tobias is already there, leaning over the rock covered railing, looking down at the water.

He can't hear my coming so when I reach him I let him know. "Hey." I say making his head whip around.

"Hey." He says and I can tell that something is off in his voice.

I walk closer and am soon by his side, looking at him instead of the crystal blue water below us.

"What's wrong?" I ask, knowing that there's something pulling on his mind.

"Nothing." Tobias lies. He's someone that takes a lot to get to open up, he doesn't let many people in. And even when he does... he doesn't let them know all his pain.

I like to think that I'm the one he's let in the farthest, gotten to know the most about him. And his past.

"Tobias, don't lie to me." I say and he sighs under his breath.

"My father got released today." Tobias tells me, his dark blue eyes looking at me. My heart drops.

"Already?" I ask, a little stunned.

"Yeah. And he's here." He adds.

"Well he wouldn't know where you live, I mean we live together. And my name's on the lease." I remind him, trying anything to calm him.

Tobias turns to me, staring at me before speaking.

"If he were to find me, he'd find you. And I couldn't- wouldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you." He says, and his eyes have signs of tears.

"Nothing's going to happen to me." I try to convince him.

Tobias shakes his head. "He has ways of getting away with anything."

"What the hell are you talking about Tobias?" I ask.

"He shouldn't be out. He was locked up for abuse and for what he did to me. But he wasn't in there for what he did to Tara." Tobias says.

Tara Eaton; Tobias's younger sister by five years. He didn't really know about her much till Marcus called him up one day, totally out of the blue. Tobias  had escaped his father and left home when he was a teenager, Tara was born months after he left.

His mother had to come home because Marcus threated her, and Tara was born into that god awful family.

Evelyn left them when Tara was three, and she was stuck with Marcus.

Tobias checked in every week, not because Marcus made him but because he wanted to. He loved his sister, and did anything he could for her.

She was murdered five years ago today, and each year it doesn't get better for Tobias. It gets harder.

"She would've been fifteen." Tobias whispers.

"And all I can see is her laying there, surrounded by her own blood. He was passed out on the couch, and he got away with it." He says, his sadness turning into anger.


"How does someone get away with murdering their own daughter?" He asks, and that's when tears begin to fall. Staining his cheeks on their way down.

"Tris, if that were to happen to you..."

"It's not going to." I say looking at him.

"My past. I can't keep bringing you into it. Tris. you have to get as far away from me as you can. I'm nothing but broken and i'm not good for you. For your life." Tobias says, his words hurting me but I know he's hurting more.

"No. Tobias I'm not going anywhere." I tell him, and move closer.

"I'm staying with you. I love you and that doesn't change with whatever shit you've gone through." I tell him and get closer. So close I could kiss him..

"I love you Tobias. And we're going to get through this together." I say, and he wraps his arms around me. His warmth penetrating into me, and his tears soaking me jacket.

"I love you." He whispers into my ear, and that's when I know we can get through anything. As long as we're together.

A/N: Hey all! Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been having health problems but I'm trying to write more when I can. This isn't my best but I hope its okay...! Luv to all! And go listen to Love in the Dark by Adele!

Oh wait! Something else. So most of my one shots have been based off of or have titles of songs that connect with the story line. So if there are any songs you think I should write a one shot based around or use for one please comment them below!! Thanks!

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