How Not To

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3rd Person POV

She had had enough. She was done with the guessing games and the wondering if today was the day or not. The three words she craved to fall from his lips, the three words she wanted to hear his voice say... never came.

He just needed one more day. He wanted her to stay with him for just one more day, so that he could give her what she wanted. He wanted to scream it from the rooftops, he wanted to whisper it in her ear in the mornings... but the words could never come out.

She waited for him. She gave him time. But at a certain point, she realized she couldn't wait forever. She couldn't waste her forever on a man who couldn't say those words to her. That couldn't show that she was his forever.

He knew she was slipping, he knew that she was hitting her end with him. She needed the one thing he couldn't give her... at that time. He wanted to. He wanted her to know how he felt, how deeply he was falling for her... but he failed to meet the dead line.

She had told him that she was done. She told him that she couldn't wait any longer, for something she was starting to feel was never going to come. She had to not only break his heart... but her own.

He saw it coming, he should've been prepared for the pain. But how could he know that it would feel this way, stealing the breath from his lungs and the tears from his eyes.

She wanted to turn back around and run into his arms, but she knew she'd just cave and waste what she had left on him. She had thought and dreamed that he was the one for her... but maybe it was a dream meant to never come true.

He wanted to chase after her, and beg for her to stay. But he knew no matter how much he pleaded, that she wouldn't come back. She would always want the one thing that he struggled to give.

She watched the minutes pass by, the hours drag on and soon days began to appear. All the time without him, she had wished that he came after her. Begging for her to stay with him, even if she wouldn't go back to him. She wanted to see just how much she meant to him.

He wasn't used to the silence in his apartment, the emptiness he felt inside. It was new to him, and the kind of new you want to get rid of. And get the old back. He thought of what she was doing right then, what she was thinking in that very moment. Except he knew the one thing that wouldn't have been on her mind... him.

She had ran out of tears as the third day came, and the pain hadn't subsided. Not yet anyway. She wondered what he was doing, what he was feeling right that minute. She wondered if he was missing her like she was missing him.

He couldn't take it as the fourth day passed, and night fell upon him. But at three am, he could feel it in his mouth. Those three words, the ones she wished for everyday for him to tell her. He could see it, he could say it... all he needed now was her.

She was awaken by a knock on her door, she had cried herself to sleep for the fifth night in a row. Opening the door she saw him, and everything in that moment stood still. She wanted to run into his arms, and hold him closer than she ever could before.... but her feet were planted.

He stared at her beauty, even at three in the morning she had the glow of the morning sun. He wanted to pick her up and spin her in his arms. But his feet wouldn't move, and his arms wouldn't reach out to her... no matter how hard he tried.

She waited for him again to say something, feeling a Deja vu coming on. She watched his eyes as if he were speaking through his dark blue orbs, but she needed to hear through his lips. The words in his voice she had come to recognize anywhere.

He breathed out, knowing that it was now or never. He could say it now, that much he knew. So with courage pumping through his veins, and emotions pouring into the words he was about to say... He said them.

She was shocked, to hear them. Praying that this day would come for so long, she didn't think it would feel like this. She couldn't help the smile from growing on her face, and that's when her feet could move. Allowing for her to run to him, and hold him tightly.

He felt her arms wrap around him, and all the tenseness melted. He could hold her too, and never wanted to let this moment.. this feeling go.

She looked up at him, and something was different. The way she could now read his face unlike before, it was as if he wore his emotions now. Being able to show her that he did truly miss her, and all those years... weren't wasted time.

He felt his heart grow closed, filled by her and now whole. He thought he lost her because he couldn't say those three words.... he thought he lost the best thing that he ever had because he was afraid.

She got what she wanted, to know what she meant to him.

He got what he needed, to say those three words she wanted to hear.

She fell in love with a man.

He fell in love with a woman.

She said I love you... and waited for him to say it back.

He said I love you... just in time.

She understood now, that love takes patience.

He understood now, that love's supposed to be scary.

She now knew, that love will come when it's supposed to.

He now knew, that being afraid of love can be overcome when you find that one person.

She had found that one person...

He had found that one person.

A/N: So unbelievably proud of this one shot!!! :) on a different note, I'm sending my thoughts and prayers out to Orlando tonight. For the victims and families in mourning. It still shocks me the level of hate and evil that is in this world, and the people who have to pay the price because of it. God send grace and mercy to those in Orlando during this dark time. 🙏🏻❤️

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