4. The Rusty Old Boat

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"Wow! Look how cool that looks!" Joey exclaims.

Joey had her long hair straightened wearing a daisy flower clown. She wore a black tank top with a daisy also sketched onto the dark fabric. Her shorts went just below her finger tips thankfully, while her faux gucci sunglasses were sporting a small luster shining in my eye as she pointed to the old rusty boat filled with gorgeous green trees.

The boat was quiet beautiful I couldn't lie. I love when nature takes over our own inventions. I believe it shows that even though it might take sometime nature will always win. You should have seen the smile on my face when I found out scientists found seeds of an extinct plant and was able to have it grow again.

"Don't you just love seeing nature over take over things once ruined making them even more magnificent," I exclaim and Joey laughs.

"Whoa slow down friend you're supposed to be a math teacher not a philosopher," She jokes and I punch her shoulder playfully.

"Democritus said anyone can be a philosopher," I say sticking my tongue out at her.

"Did he really?" She asks and I shrug making us both laugh.

"Where do you want to go now?" I ask.

"Can we get lunch at Macca's?" she asks and I laugh.

"I know you're from Australia and everything but oh my please don't. Plus I don't like McDonald's," I tell her and she frowns.

"You're Australian too," she states.

"I know but I was born in America; so were you."

"That is true but I'm embracing my heritage," Joey exclaims as we get into a cab.

"Can you dumb it down a level or all the way? People are going to think you're making fun of them," I ask.

"I could start talking in the accent," Joey suggests and I shake my head before telling the driver to go to the closets cafe.

"We are here," The driver says after a minute.

I pay the man kindly thanking him before getting out of the cab. Right when I close the door the man drives off and I press my lips together. He was moody. My phone rang in my hand and Joey and I stopped walking.


"Amethyst Green turn your butt around so I can hug you!" A familiar voice says and I turn around to see the blonde haired mother I haven't seen in so long.

"Liz!" I exclaim hanging up the phone and placing it in my back pocket because my front pockets are fake.

I could start a full blown debate about how women everywhere have the tiniest pockets and carry the most stuff. One time I saw some guy putting his whole arm in his front pockets while I'm over here with my fake front pockets and tiny back pockets. My Iphone 5 can barely fit in the back pockets of my jeans and guys can fit there forearms in theirs.

Liz walks up to me and I engulf the short Blonde in a big bear hug. She laughs then lets go of me to hug Joey. We are both taller than Liz so it's pretty funny. Liz is average height for her age but me and Joey are both taller than Calum and I'm a little bit shorter than Luke. My mother was really tall so was my dad and I grew two inches in the last two years so it's in my genes. Plus Joey and I where both wearing some type of heels. Joey wore her usually black wedges while I wore high heeled sneakers I bought on ebay.

"How are you two?" Liz asks us.

"Good; we can't wait for the wedding," Joey says and I nod agreeing with her statement.

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