16. You Don't Remember?

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>I wrote most of this in Spain. Your welcome!
The picture is the view I have in Spain and also just a heads up I'm going to be adding the amount of words in each new chapter<

Ashton's Prov

I missed her. I can't believe I forgot how bad I actually missed her. I remember crying every single night for a month when she left. I kept on reminding myself that she needed to leave but I just couldn't comprehend why she wouldn't let me help her.

"Ashton?" Amethyst asks.

"Yes?" I ask finally paying attention.

"You weren't listening huh?" She asks.

"Um no," I blush staring down at my fingers.

"That's fine I get it I'm boring," she laughs making me smile and look up at her again. "I was thinking about watching Titanic. What'd you think?"

"Sounds good...."

"Feels good!" She screams making me burst out laughing.

I shouldn't of told her our album name so soon. She won't quit saying it. At least she likes it. My stomach grumbles lowly and I look down at it. I sigh and poke it a couple of times. I hate my stomach. I decide to stop and look back at Amethyst.

"Want some popcorn and hot coco?" I ask her.

"Oh I'll do the popcorn but I can't stomach Hot coco to well," she states, "well not the way you do it at least."

"How do I do it?" I ask.

"You practically take all of my milk and find the biggest cup, put a little coco powder in and then the other 7/8s of the cup are for the milk," she laughs.

"I do not," I whine.

"You do," she argues, "I could barely finish it before the cancer."

Everything stops. It's like she just said a very bad word. I run my hand through my hair. I don't know what to say. I want her to be okay but how do I make sure she is. I wasn't even around her like the others were. I was there maybe once or ten times at the beginning. Oh I should probably tell her that.

"Right the cancer," I sigh, "I have to admit something to you."

"Oh yah?" She asks training her eyebrow.

"You know how you told me how you were keeping up with everything? Like how you were I don't know um being a fan and following what we were doing I guess?" I ask mentally face palming at my stupid big mouth of mine. She nods though, "well I guess I was sort of doing that as well."

"What do you mean?" She wonders.

"Um well in the beginning I would," I stop, "Calum would tell me when you were asleep and I'd stop by yah? So like you wouldn't tell at me. It's just that you were sick and I wanted to see you but you were mad so I didn't know how to do that and...."

"Ash relax," she chuckles. "I'm happy to hear this," she assures me, "it doesn't make me feel like much of a stalker as before," she giggles making me smile, "plus you've already told me."

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