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I pull my cloak closer together so as to remain as inconspicuous as I could be in such a place. My fair skin and black hair are an odd combination in a place inhabited with people that had the tannest of pigments to their skin and the darkest of hair to which is so popular in the Egyptian lands.

I was here on official business of the Fates and needed to act quickly in order to set Destiny into motion.

The pitter-pater of my slight slippers upon the hard ground echoed through the night. My anxiety heightened once I caught sight of a gaggle of guards, I hadn't even yet approached the palace and here I was about to be caught!

I reacted accordingly and a lie fell on my supple lips instantly.

Drawing back my hood I made sure to fan out my golden locks as I slowed my pace to the now gawking and hooting men. They obviously thought me to be one of the concubines or street whores, men were a wretched species, I thought to myself disdainfully.

One of the more muscular and obviously cockier guards approached me first, with outstretched arms as he began to speak to me in the harsh Egyptian language. I believed that he was trying to welcome me and coerce me over to his buddies but I put a soft smile upon my lips as I snaked my hand up his bare chest and finally caressing his face.

His brethren took in the scene and were clapping and making to my guess, obscene comments at my seductive charms. I kept my gaze sharpened and trained upon his now lustful ones. He had instantly put his arms around my slender waist and I placed a slow and enticing kiss on his rough lips and the male released a deep moan.

I quickly disengaged my self from his clutches and wiped my mouth with one of my sleeves. This vial man had the worst breath I had ever been in proximity to and I was so glad I was now able to speak their language due to my abilities of learning everything a person knows just by kissing them.

Dazedly he looked confused for a second before trying to reach for me again, obviously not through with me. But I was in no mood to play with these mortal men, so I easily sidestepped him and walked away but not before I through out over my shoulder back at the temple guardsmen, "You fools, I am His Royal Highness the King's concubine. Leave me be or I will persuade the Pharaoh to have your heads for putting your hands on his most beloved."

They all stood shell-shocked with their mouths agape as I worked my way inside the sacred temple gloating at my win over the fools.

I complimented myself all the way through for that amazing and witty lie as I wound my way to the room of the Dead.

It was to be where the current Pharaoh would be buried once he had died and I quickly set work to my plans, taking out a scroll and ink so that I may begin writing the prophecy down.

Twenty minuets pass by and I have finished what I had traveled all the way here to do, when suddenly a clash of noise rang out directly above me.

To my utter horror I realized it was tomb raiders here to try and steal what they could of the Pharaohs riches.

I knew I had to act fast so that the future would be secure within the scroll and hid it within a seat cushion from a golden throne room chair.

I cried out in surprise when suddenly the main door burst open and three men who seemed to belong to the shadow realm rushed at me but I had already finished and was through here.

"What are you doing here! You do not belong on mortal land and are breaking the treaty! Explain yourselves" I demanded. If we were being honest, the thought of these dead men walking (literally) made me uneasy. Shadow men were to be kept in the underworld with Hades and reportedly none have escaped for centuries. That is, until this very moment...

The leader of the three men stepped forward and took off his black wrapping that was on each of their heads. It revealed a very handsome face with smoldering brown eyes to capture my own green ones.

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"How very impolite of me to so brutally barge in on you my fair lady." The shadow man was not speaking the common tongue of the Egyptians but rather the language of the Gods. My tension did not ease.

"Well, now we know that he speaks!" He only laughed at my prickly comment as he bang circling his way around to me. Never taking his eyes off me for a second.

"Tell me pretty roman bird, why have you flown so far from your bountiful lands to these gritty Egyptian ones?"

I stood there for a moment thinking of my escape route as I looked at him warily, I knew I could not over-power three men, let alone the unearthly shadow ones that stood before me now. I sighed and decided to answer him with gritted teeth.

"Most likely for the same reason that you were sent here by your God. I tire of your circling kind sir could you not face me like a gentleman?"

That must have struck a chord because he turned back to mke his way in front of me. A fire ignited within his eyes and I felt most peculiar at the thought of him returning to the fires once I left. However I had no further time to think about this as he punched on me and his men scattered in the room to knock furniture over and set things ablaze.

"oof" was the only coherent noise I could make as we were knocked to the ground. He was trying to pin me but I had swiftly brought me knee up to his manhood and rolled to the side as he clutched himself in pain. I quickly took out my coin purse and opened it when a gale of wind swooshed out, stopping the paranormal men in their tracks from setting anything else ablaze. The wind had thankfully put out the fires before the reached my secret project and pushed the men out of the room.

Over the roar of the winds I decided another lie would have to suffice the men to follow me out of the room. It was imperative that the scroll be untouched until the chosen one had a chance to read it.

Keeping the coin purse open in one hand I dragged out a duplicate scroll from my billowing sleeve that contained nonsense writing and waived it in the air for them to behold.

"If you want the ancient scroll of prophecy then you're going to have to work a lot harder than that Umbra Ambulant!"

And with that the Shadow Walkers watched, horrified, as I was sucked inside and transported back to the realm of the Fates. I knew they would follow me bak there and leave the temple far behind.

For now everything would be fine as long as no one stole that scroll....


Up above the picture is the woman working for the Fates


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