CHAPTER 15: Rabbit Hole

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I was taunting Hayden about how much he sucked while we played tennis and it wasn't even funny how terrible he was. 

He really sucked.

"Hayden you suck so bad at tennis!" I shouted out to him from the other side of the net. He was red in the face and completely out of breath. I made my way over to where he was bent over panting. 

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Meanwhile, I was doing great and hadn't even broken a sweat in this intensely hot Egyptian  weather.

"It's almost supernatural how you don't even break a sweat in one-hundred-degree weather." I smiled and pranced around him, mocking him.

"Shall we play another match, brother?"

"I- uh- I think the heck not." He could barely wheeze out the words and I grabbed his racket as we made our way down the long path to our parent's house.

"I want to visit the site." My voice was small as I hurriedly rushed out the words.

Hayden stopped walking and stared at me hard and I stopped walking a few paces ahead of him. I was quiet while I looked at him with hopeful eyes. I know it sounded crazy but I wanted to go back and see the ruins for myself. To know that I really was back in my own time and this wasn't just a dream. 

I needed closure.

"It's been a week since we got you back Leylila, why don't you just take it easy? We could go maybe next week or the week after if you feel up to it-"

I looked at Hayden with determined eyes. "No, Hayden, I wasn't asking for your permission."

But in a way I so was because ever since I had gotten back, I was on complete lockdown with my family. Nobody was going to let me out of their sight for fear that I might just disappear again...

Hayden ran his hand through his shaggy hair and looked a little irritable but didn't say anything for a while. I held my breath until he finally replied a few minutes later.

"Fine. But we'll have to go when Dad and Braden leave for Cairo for business because shortly after, mom will also have to leave for her volunteer at the women's shelter later this afternoon. No way would they let you go so we'll have to wait for them to leave."

I rushed over to where Hayden reluctantly stood and threw my arms around his neck and hugged him fiercely. I knew it pained my brother to go against papa and mother's wishes. Especially when even brother Braden disagreed.

"But, we are only going to stay for one hour and that's final."

I nodded in agreement as we walked back to the house to shower and change. I knew it probably wasn't smart of me to go back there but the sooner I did, the sooner I could move on with my life and try to forget it had ever happened.

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