Chapter 7: Asisu

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The sun eventually crept up and its rays were blinding as the heat turned sweltering even though it was just early morning. At first the colors in the sky interested me with all the different hues of pinks and oranges and blues but the Pharaoh (who now rode side by side me) and the soldier quickly caught on to what interested me and laughed at my childish whims. 

So, I became stony and rigid behind the faceless man and was annoyed the rest of the trip. It seemed that I amused the King and I was looking to give him no more joy so that maybe he would tire of me quickly and (hopefully) let me go alive and in one piece.

I also figured that by the time we reached the Pyramids and he was kept busy, I could easily escape amidst all the people. I knew I would have to pay attention to all of the side streets and remember the roads we passed in order to pull off my grand escape. But as we crept up on the city, I was awed by its entirety.

"Oh my God." 

Was all I managed to whisper out as the crumbling ruins and half pyramids that I had seen from my time was replaced with complete and even new Pyramids being erected. Seeing what they might have looked like on computer generated models and even textbooks were nowhere near to what they actually looked like, which was absolutely breathtaking. Suddenly a hand shot out to painfully grab my lower arm and, startled, I look into the Pharaohs eyes wondering what I could have done to piss him off.

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"You, whore, have you really never been to the grand capital before? If you were noble I would believe that you have, even a royal concubine would have at least heard of this place..."

Shocked that he picked it up so quickly I only stared at him with an open mouth probably looking like a bloody idiot. But luckily an attendant rushed out to our little posse and quickly informed the Pharaoh that some woman named Asisu was awaiting him and did not wish to wait any longer for his arrival. 

Which, to me, sounded bitchy and high maintenance.

In response, the Pharaoh grumbled out something indiscernible and then rode off with haste toward the magnificent pyramids. Which, of course, meant that we had to do the same. 

By the time we reached them I was thoroughly out of breath, sore out of my freaking mind, and hungry beyond imaginable. A soldier gruffly got me down the horse, to which I was grateful for. But I couldn't stand for very long as my legs turned to jelly and I slumped to the ground, huffing for a breath. It honestly felt so humiliating to see none of the other guys feeling this way as they disengaged form their horses, most of them laughed at me seeing my state of foolishness. 

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