CHAPTER 12: Escape into the night

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My breathing had turned erratic as I knew a panic attack was forming. Cedric rushed to my side and took Ganzu's place by my bed. Astope looked distraught as I knew I probably seemed like a wreck and I couldn't even look at Memphis' face.

"What happened Leylila? You need to rest and calm your breathing. Come now, like how I am doing. Breath in, breath out. That's it, deep breaths."

I kept my eyes trained on Cedric's brown worried ones as a flurry of thoughts proceeded to attack me. But there was one thing that I was sure of in this new realm of uncertainty, and that was that I was going to escape this very night.

Memphis rushed to me and for a moment I saw an angry gleam in his eyes. What was his deal? I thought to myself detachedly. He grabbed my hand rather forcefully and gave me a long look.

Like seriously, didn't this guy have anything better to do rather than annoy me?

"Memphis why are you here?" For the first time in a while I said what was on my mind even though I could barely breath the words out as I was gasping for an actual solid breath. Memphis looked a little peeved at me for asking such a question but then a curious look came upon his face and I let it go as Cedric started to say something to me.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?"

Cedric was patient with me as he repeated his original question. 

"I asked what had gotten you so panicked, my Lady?"

I had no freaking idea how to answer this. 

I knew everyone would wonder but I had no way of telling them about how the man who attacked me was standing right in front of me only seconds ago. This was His territory, and I had no bearings. It was like guerrilla warfare and I was just a newbie soldier taking a shot in the dark at history. So, I went with a likely answer that would have been believable if it were any other woman but me.

"I think the sun was beating too hard on me. I-uh started feeling faint and was seeing things that weren't there." Like those shadows hugging Ganzu's every move.

The look everyone gave me told me that they soooo weren't buying the sh*t that I was selling. 

Oh well, they're going to have to take it because that's what I was sticking to, I thought to myself. 

Memphis started squeezing my hand rather tightly and said, 

"Look, I know you've had a rough time but I don't think-"

Cedric placed a hand on Memphis' arm that was currently squeezing the life out of mine. I inwardly let out a sigh of relief as Cedric spoke steady words.

"Look, your highness, with all due respect I think Leylila has had a tough time and she might have had too much time in the sun. Ra can be an unforgiving God to the weak bodied."

Your mom is weak bodied, I mentally said to myself.

"But continuing to interrogate her in her current state will get you nothing."

Thank you Cedric !!

"So why don't you try in a few hours when she has rested, my Lord?"

Well a big f*ck you to you too Cedric. So much for leaving me alone entirely...

Memphis thought about Cedric's words for a few moments before nodding his head once in conceit but he brought his head close to mine and whispered so that only I could hear what he said.

"But you better believe that I will be back to interrogate you... thoroughly."

And oh boy did I best believe that he would. A blush crept up my neck and Cedric coughed awkwardly to let us know that he totally heard what Memphis had just said, the little bugger.

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