Chapter One

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Chapter One

(Hinata Versus Neji begins)

Gaara's P.O.V.:

"Amaya!" I raised my voice as she waddled away from me.

"You know I don't approve of your decision!" she snapped as she spun around to face me.

I ran my hands through my hair as I sighed.

"Amaya, it wasn't my decision to make Matsuri my personal bodyguard nor was it my decision to make Hakuto my secretary!" I told her as she frowned at me.

"You have a history with both women! Matsuri was your ex girlfriend and Hakuto was supposed to marry you! And when did I find out about the second information?!? After I stumbled upon Hakuto's documents in your own office!" she shouted back and I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"Look Amaya this is stupid! You know how the elders in Suna love to make decisions on their own!" I tried to reason but Amaya shook her head.

"Then undo the decision! What is so great about those two anyway?!? Why couldn't they have picked some other people instead?!" Amaya cut me off as our arguments woke up our 10 year old son, Akira Hatake...

"Oka-san, Oto-san, why are you fighting?" the silver haired boy with mine and Amaya's green eyes rubbed them sleepily as Amaya turned around and held our son's hand, leading him back to bed and gently telling him that he was hearing things and that she wasn't fighting with me...

But that's far from the truth...


After 10 minutes, Akira was fast asleep and Amaya didn't know whether to go back to her's and Gaara's room..

She was still mad at the Kazekage as he didn't even protest hard enough to reject the idea of having Matsuri and Hakuto as his personal bodyguard and secretary... Amaya knew one of the reasons for the choices though...

The elders didn't approve of her...

They find her a threat and since her father is the 6th Hokage, the elders of Suna are paranoid that she might sell out Suna's secrets to Konoha...

In the case of Shikamaru and Temari, both are not going to be producing the heir of either Konoha or Suna so the elders decided to close one eye.

Amaya sighed when she heard the door cracked open and Gaara came in, hugging her from behind as he sat down on Akira's bed.

"Baby... Please don't be mad at me..." Gaara whispered as he rubbed her swollen belly, currently housing their second child at 5 months...

"Please do something about it..." Amaya whispered as Gaara kissed her neck.

"I will okay..." he reassured her as Amaya sighed and followed him back to bed...

(Hinata Versus Neji ends)


(Saika begins)

"So what are your motives putting women who has a past with me, working closely with me? Do you not trust me or Amaya?" Gaara asked in an annoyed tone as an elder raised an eyebrow.

"Well you can't blame us! She's a Kaguya and they are known to cause a rampage when berserk! It nearly caused human extinction when their clan was large in numbers!" he exclaimed as Gaara clenched his fists.

"Elder Yomi is right! Furthermore she gave birth to a son and is currently pregnant again! What if the children inherit her bloodline, activate it and go berserk?!?" another elder spoke up.

Gaara banged the table as he frowned at them.

"Those are my kids and wife you are accusing!" he glared as the conference room fell silent. "You geezers were the ones who pushed me to get married so Suna has a heir to take over! Now I've gotten married, have 2 children and you old birds are still not happy about it!!" he snapped as Elder Hiro cleared his throat.

"When we asked you to get married, we betrothed you to Hakuto didn't we?"

Gaara raised an eyebrow.

"It was over. She already has a fiancé when she was betrothed to me, you elders forced her to an arranged marriage with me!"

"Well now she's single and doesn't have a fiancé so..." Elder Yomi continued as Gaara's green eyes flamed with undeniable anger.

"You want me to cheat on my wife?!?" he whispered and the elders looked around, shrugging their shoulders as if it's no big deal.

"Either Matsuri or Hakuto will do but the latter being the better choice. It will put us and our Suna ancestors at ease knowing that the future generations of Suna are not the cause of inter-marriages..." Elder Hiro spoke again as Gaara took a deep breath.

"I am not cheating on my wife..."

"But you didn't reject Hakuto! Now that she's single won't you..."

"No! I won't consider nor will I do it!!!" Gaara growled as he left the room, banging the door on his way out.

Matsuri was outside as she was his personal bodyguard now, so she followed him around... And she heard everything...

"Gaara-sama..." she began but Gaara didn't look at her.

"You are dismissed. You don't need to force yourself to be my bodyguard." he said as Matsuri's eyes widened.

"No-no! I wasn't forced! They asked me for an interview so I applied! It was of my own free will..." she began but Gaara cut her off.

"Don't need to. I'm more than capable of protecting myself." he said with an expressionless face as he made his way back to his office...


Hinata's P.O.V.:

"Amaya..." I said gently as I held her hand.

I was here since Kakashi-sensei wants to come to Suna to visit his daughter and grandson... Naruto heard and immediately wanted to follow as he wants to catch up old times with Gaara.

Being pregnant at 5 months, Naruto wouldn't leave me alone so he dragged me along to Suna..

"How would you feel if Shion was the one assigned to work with Naruto??" Amaya asked as her voice cracked and I bit my lips.

"Erm... I will be mad of course!" I replied as Amaya leaned back on her couch.

"I know Gaara is in a tight situation as he's always being pressured by the elders but I have feelings too!" Amaya grumbled as I then asked my next question.

"Do you and Gaara always fight nowadays?"

There was silence as Amaya finally took a deep breath.

"Yes... Mostly about his new bodyguard and secretary..."

"Did you tell him how insecure you were?" I pressed and Amaya held back her tears as her eyes watered.

"I did! But I feel he's not making any effort! He says he is but as the Kazekage, I feel there's more that he can do!"

I just hugged my friend as I let Amaya sobbed onto my shoulder.

(Saika ends)


(Nervous begins)

"I expected better... Get the two of them here!" the superior ninja yelled at his underlings who nodded their heads and quickly went about on their mission.

"Useless plans! Only to have them failed!" he muttered to himself before an idea struck him.


He could just do that...

Plan a panic.

Get the panic out of the way.

Then attack since everyone have their defenses down...

Yes... He hurried quickly as he went to fetch more ANBUs to carry out his new orders...

(Nervous ends)

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