Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

(Shippuden begins)

Gaara's P.O.V.:

"What are they doing here?!?" I heard Amaya snapped as I stumbled into the clearing.

Guess she became conscious while I was making my way to the meeting point...

I saw Temari was carrying Shikdai and Shikamaru was carrying Yumi and Miko... Ino was carrying a frightened Inojin.

"Akamaru will take the both of them." Kiba said as Akamaru allowed Shikamaru to place the two girls on its back.

"Don't worry. We'll get you girls back to the Mizukage." Shino spoke as the two 7 year old twins nodded their heads obediently.

"Where's Sai?!?" Temari exclaimed as Shikamaru frowned.

"Akame is going after them..." he began as I interrupted him.

"Quick we need to go!" I exclaimed as I tried to pick up Amaya but she refused and pushed me away as she pointed at Matsuri and Hakuto.

"What are the two of them doing here?!?" Amaya asked again as none of us dared to answer her.

"Princess Amaya we're here under the orders of the elders from Suna. Matsuri is supposed to guard me while I'm assigned to heal you with my medical ninjutsu..." Hakuto explained softly but Amaya shook her head as she took a step back, holding Akira's hand and pulling our son with her..

"No..." she whispered as Ino let Matsuri carry Inojin and approached Amaya.

"Alright Amaya if you don't want Hakuto to treat you then I'll heal you okay..." Ino said gently.

"Amaya, your water bag already broke please don't be difficult!" I growled as Ino gasped and finally everyone saw Amaya's blood trickling down her legs.

Wait, where's Shukaku?

My answer came as Shukaku was thrown out the window from above us and landed a few distance away.

"Gaara you bastard! You told me to come back and look for you so I did just that and that orange haired jerk beat the crap out of me!!!" Shukaku yelled as he quickly went back inside my body.

"Shit..." I muttered at my forgetfulness as I carried Amaya.

"They followed you..." Amaya said weakly as Kiba carried Akira and gritted his teeth.

"Come on guys we have to go!!!" Kiba yelled as I looked down at Amaya.

She tried to push me away but I fought against her, though she didn't have any strength by now...

"Yes baby they followed me but you have to give birth already alright. I have to find a safe place for you to do just that if not our child is gonna suffocate in you..." I said softly as I kissed her forehead.

"Did you cheat on me..." Amaya whimpered as I hugged her tightly and heard Temari's voice.

"Hurry up!!!" she yelled as I used my sand cloud and placed Amaya on it.

"To answer your question, no. No Amaya. I will never, ever, ever cheat on you. Not in this life, not in the after life, not in my next life. That is how much I love you." I declared and Amaya gave me a weak smile.

I was about to climb on the sand cloud too when someone pulled me back and threw me against a tree.

"GAARA!!!" Amaya called out to me as she writhed around in pain. "I can't hold it back! The baby's coming out!!!"

I gritted my teeth as I controlled my sand cloud to follow Temari.

"Take care of her Temari..." I prayed mentally as I was then picked up by the person who threw me.

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